
Team Rocket Poison Type Grunt Guide

Team Rocket Poison Type Grunt Guide
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Get ready for one of the most underwhelming grunts out there. Sporting no interesting encounters, there isn't much to go after besides a Mysterious Component. I won't blame you if you want to skip this grunt all together, as it's not very impressive overall.

Poison Type Grunt - "Coiled and ready to strike!"

Pokemon Lineup

Catchable Pokemon

Shadow Trubbish is very much a Pokemon. It gives you 750 stardust which is nice, but other than that does very little.

Shadow Nidoqueen fulfills a niche in the Ultra League Premier Cup where it shines as an anti Fairy option. Though the shadow forme is a bit worse than the normal one, so spend your dust accordingly.

Supreme Counters

When it comes to Poison there is one king that stands tall above the rest. Mewtwo is truly devestating having access to Psycho Cut/Confusion and Psystrike, requiring little energy for a huge chunk of damage.

Good Counters

With a useful Steel sub typing and a great moveset in Mud Slap and Scorching Sands, Excadrill is the way to go if you're lacking a Mewtwo. Though it doesn't appreciate any Mud Shots coming at it from Croagunk/Toxicroak.

Performing similarly to Excadrill, Landorus has acces to Mud Shot and Bulldoze (Don't remove Sandsear Storm* though!). It's Flying subtyping allows it to be a bit more flexible than Excadrill as it won't take as much damage from Ground type Fast Moves.

It's easy to forget sometimes that Metagross is part Psychic type. Having more bulk than Excadrill, it doesn't mind Ground type Fast Moves as much, and can deal good damage with Zen Headbutt and Psychic. Meteor Mash* is more important on Metagross, so don't replace it with Psychic if you don't have a second Charge Move.

Other Good Counters

In conjunction with the above counters, several other Pokemon do a great job here, including a number of generally great Pokemon in the Master League. Feel free to mix-and-match a bit, as any of these and beyond can do a great job as well!

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