
Team Rocket Rock Type Grunt Guide

Strategies and Counters for Taking Down Rock Type Team GO Rocket Grunts.
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Having some of the best Rock types in the game as an encounter makes this grunt a must to battle every time you see one! And with a fairly wide pool of weaknesses, this isn't exactly a hard rocket, either.

Rock Type Grunt - "Let's rock and roll"

Pokemon Lineup

Catchable Pokemon

Nope, this thing does nothing well.

Say hello to one of the best Rock type attackers in the game. It's a glass cannon that should definitely be added to your Rock type team if you get a good IV one.

Supreme Counters

Being the face of all Water types, Kyogre makes a big splash against any sturdy Rock types standing in its way with Waterfall and Surf. However, if you have Origin Pulse do not TM away it in favour of Surf, as Origin Pulse is still great!

Water is a bit more classical in terms of countering Rock Types, but Ground does the job just as well while actually resisting Rock Type moves too. This is why Groudon is every bit as viable as Kyogre.

It shouldn't come as a shock that Kartana absolutely cuts through this grunt. With its razor sharp Razor Leaf and the (admittedly) obsolete Leaf Blade. It cuts through this grunt in record time.

Mud Slap paired with Drill Run/Rock Slide offers fantastic coverage against every possible Pokemon it will face, but it has to watch out for Ground/Water type Fast Moves.

Good Counters

Metagross with Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash* is good in theory, but falls short in practice, being weak to Ground type Fast Moves and is resisted by both Tirtouga, Shieldon and Carracosta.

If Kyogre is not your style, then Swampert will make for a fine replacement. Mud Shot paired with Hydro Cannon* will is its best moveset, pumping Hydro Cannons* out at a fast pace.

Hi, my name is Venusaur, but you can call me Budget Kartana. (Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant*)

Other Good Counters

In conjunction with the above counters, several other Pokemon do a great job here, including a number of generally great Pokemon in the Master League. Feel free to mix-and-match a bit, as any of these and beyond can do a great job as well!

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