
Team Rocket Fire Type Grunt Guide

Strategies and Counters for Taking Down Fire Type Team GO Rocket Grunts
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Bringing the heat to your Fire type raid teams, the Fire type grunt holds the all-powerful Shadow Darmanitan as a possible encounter. The Fire grunt is quite easy to take down overall, as there's not much coverage on any of her Pokemon, so enjoy your easily obtainable Mysterious Component and a great addition to your FIre type team!

Fire Type Grunt - "Do you know how hot Pokemon fire breath can get?"

Pokemon Lineup

Catchable Pokemon

High Attack stat? Check. Shadow Boost? Check. Shadow Darumaka, when evolved, makes for a great Fire type attacker!

Supreme Counters

Being the face of all Water types, Kyogre makes a big splash against any Fire types standing in your way with Waterfall and Surf. However, if you have Origin Pulse do not TM away it in favour of Surf.

Did someone mention Fire types? Because Rampardos is here to throw rocks at them with Smack Down and Rock Slide. It's a fantastic option if you have one available!

Good Counters

Much like Rampardos, you can just spam Smack Down to clear your way through this grunt. Surf is the prefered Charged Move, though really you only need Smack Down. However, if you have Rock Wrecker do not TM away it in favour of Surf.

The landshark is back, throwing dirt at its opponents with Mud Shot and Earth Power in all of it's formes.

Other Good Counters

In conjunction with the above counters, several other Pokemon do a great job here, including a number of generally great Pokemon in the Master League. Feel free to mix-and-match a bit, as any of these and beyond can do a great job as well!

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