Hoopa Unbound Raid Guide
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Stamina: 15,000 | Attack: 311 | Defense: 191 |
CP Range
Level 20 | Level 25, Weather Boosted |
2197 - 2289 | 2746 - 2862 |
Move Difficulty
Easy | Intermediate | Hard |
For Easy moves, Astonish is a no-brainer here. Weak move that doesn't have note-worthy coverage against Hoopa - Unbound's counters and doesn't even get STAB after Hoopa turned into his bigboy self. If you see Astonish, life is likely to be a lot easier.
On the Intermediate side, we have Shadow Pulse and Dark Pulse. These two are pretty interchangeable in this case. Shadow Ball has stronger neutral coverage, while Dark Pulse is harder to dodge, but also resisted by one or two of Hoopa - Unbound's stronger counters. It's a bit of a toss-up between the two, truth be told.
For the hard moves, Confusion is a no-brainer. This move hits VERY hard when coming off of Hoopa - Unbound's obscene Attack stat, especially since it also gets STAB! Finally, Psychic falls into this same category due to its higher power post-STAB. It's not a HUGE leg-up from Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse, but it's enough to be note-worthy.
I think something may be wrong with our Comprehensive DPS/TDO Spreadsheet, as the counters this time around are looking a little buggy!
Seriously; this is the moment that everyone who's built a Bug team JUST IN CASE has waited for; Hoopa Unbound is a hard-hitting beast of a Pokemon that's double-weak to Bug. And, amazingly, it's not even that hard to take down! Sure, its HUGE Attack stat is going to REALLY STING if it's got the right moveset, but its relatively low defense stat and double weakness make it a pretty viable duo... EVEN IF THAT WEAKNESS IS TO BUG!
Team Building Approach
- Hoopa is weak to Bug and Fairy, being some of the weaker types in the game.
- Bug feels SO WEIRD to have as the top pick on one of these guides, BUT HERE WE ARE! That double-weakness goes A LONG way, so prioritize dem bugs!
- Fairy works as the silver medal, and can be pretty good in cloudy weather, but bugs will tend to beat it out regardless.
Best Raid Counters
Supreme Counters
Generally speaking, most of the top Bug Types will hit similar wins in this raid... for the most part.
For the Mega Evolutions, Mega Pinsir stands as the top pick this time. It sports high DPS and high TDO thanks in part to the fact that it isn't weak to Hoopa - Unbound's powerful Psychic Type moves. Mega Heracross has the silver medal here due to its high average performance that's hampered PRETTY HARD if Hoopa Unbound is packing Confusion. These statements are compounded EVEN HARDER with Mega Beedrill.
For the non-Mega options, Shadow Scizor, Shadow Pinsir, and Volcarona are all more or less pretty close. An argument could be made for Pheromosa in this category, as it has the highest DPS among the current non-Mega bugs, but its DPS isn't THAT MUCH higher than the competition, and it probably won't even be able to get off a Bug Buzz before dropping if Hoopa is packing Confusion.