
Shadow Crustle

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

The Shadow Boost gives Crustle more power, but not enough to actually matter. Even though it's now an evil lasagna, it's still just a lasagna. 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Smack Down + Rock SlideBest
Fury Cutter + X-ScissorBest
  • Smack Down and Rock Slide give Shadow Crustle a STAB Rock Type moveset
  • Fury Cutter and X-Scissor give Shadow Crustle a STAB Bug Type moveset
  • Rock Blast is a weaker option overall.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Smack Down + X-Scissor or Rock BlastBest
  • Smack Down is leagues better than Fury Cutter on defense
  • X-Scissor and Rock Blast both have the advantage of being 3-bar. X-Scissor is off-type with Smack Down and is harder to dodge, but Rock Blast has higher damage and more relevant coverage. 
  • Rock Slide hits harder but less often.

PvP Analysis

Fury Cutter or Smack Down + X-Scissor and Rock SlideBest

Furry Cutter and Smack Down are polar opposites of each other; the former focuses on fast energy generation at the cost of stronger damage output, while the latter forgoes energy gains in favor of more STAB damage. Either option can be viable depending on the situation. 

X-Scissor costs the least amount of energy, and provides decent Bug-type coverage backed by STAB. Rock Slide is a very efficient charge move, costing a moderate amount of energy with a very respectable 1.8 DPE (Damage Per Energy). Rock Blast is inferior. 

Great League2 / 5

Crustle fits a relatively unique role as a Bug/Rock Pokemon, gaining advantages over various other Bug-types, such as having coverage options against popular Flying-types. Unfortunately Bug-types are typically not favored for the meta due to poor relevancy, unspectacular movesets, and inferiority to other typings. Other Pokemon with Rock-type coverage perform better in the meta, and Crustle's bulk isn't particularly impressive either. It also doesn't help that Crustle has a major weakness against incredibly common Water-types.  

Ultra League2.5 / 5

Fast access to Rock-type coverage is particularly valuable against Fire-types meant to counter common Steel-type Pokemon, while Bug-type coverage has more significant value in Ultra League against popular Psychic-types. However, Crustle's bulk is still a concern, and needs to be wary of other Bug-types with a sub-Steel typing which compete for its role. 

Master League0 / 5

With a max CP of 2874, Crustle has no business in Master League unless it wants to be crushed. 

Second Charge Move Cost
10,000 Stardust + 25 Candy
Flee Rate
10 %
Buddy Distance
1 KM
Catch Rate
10 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio