
Team Rocket Normal Type Grunt Guide

Strategies and Counters for Taking Down Normal Type Team GO Rocket Grunts
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Normal Type Rocket - "Normal doesn't mean weak"

Normal doesn’t mean weak, but it kinda does. While I don’t like to rain on their parade, the normal type grunt is a breeze of a battle. Sporting a weakness to fighting types is unfortunately bad news, as they tend to be excellent at dealing with Rocket Grunts. Though this may seem like a skippable grunt, I highly recommend doing this battle whenever one pops up even if it’s just for an easy mysterious component as they tend to not take that long.

Pokemon Lineup

Catchable Pokemon

While it doesn't have any relevance in PvP nor PvE, its shiny is available for the shadow shiny hunters out there!

Shadow Meowth has it’s shiny form available. If it decides to not shine for you, it’ll still give you 500 stardust as a consolation prize.

Supreme Counters

Lucario is without a doubt the way to go to deal with this grunt. While either Force Palm* or Counter will do the trick as a fast move, make sure your Lucario has Power-Up Punch and spam that move until you can’t. You’ll have your mysterious component before you know it.

While often hindered by it’s Rock sub typing, it actually comes in handy for once! Combining Double Kick with Sacred Sword* will make it almost impossible for your opponent to deal any damage back to you, provided you use Sacred Sword* on cooldown.

Good counters

Whenever something is weak to Fighting, Machamp is always gonna be useful.

Here is your spice pick. While it's not dealing super effective damage, the damage from Razor Leaf combined with a Steel sub typing makes for a surprisingly good pick. If you've got a Kartana ready to go give it a try and you might just be surprised at how strong this tiny Ultra Beast is!

Other Good counters

In conjunction with the above counters, several other Pokemon do a great job here, including a number of generally great Pokemon in the Master League. Feel free to mix-and-match a bit, as any of these and beyond can do a great job as well!

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