Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

See that Defense stat? See that Attack stat? Yeah, Carbink is not great in PvE. It could be a good defender, but its moveset is extremely easy to deal with, and a single MetagrossMetagross will make very, very quick work of it.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

  • Stick with Rock ThrowRock Throw and Rock SlideRock Slidethough Power GemPower Gem has nearly identical performance, sitting as just a bit easier to dodge.
  • MoonblastMoonblast is good, but it's unlikely to ever be used in many cases.
  • TackleTackle falls behind.

PvP Analysis

Rock ThrowRock Throw deals excellent DPT and benefits from STAB; it allows Carbink to plow through various enemies without having to throw a Charged Attack. TackleTackle, however, possesses greater energy gains, which can be helpful for combating Fighting-type threats because Carbink can reach MoonblastMoonblast more quickly.

Rock SlideRock Slide is Carbink's cheapest Charged Attack. MoonblastMoonblast uses Carbink's other STAB to provide it with coverage; it is also Carbink's strongest attack in terms of DPE. Power GemPower Gem is inferior to Rock SlideRock Slide.

Great League / 5

Carbink is one of the sturdiest Pokemon in the game and plays very similarly to BastiodonBastiodon. Through typing, bulk, and Fast Attack pressure alone, it can dominate certain matchups simply by tap tap tapping its way through. Amongst its key targets include Sableye and Flying-type Pokemon such as NoctowlNoctowl and AltariaAltaria. Carbink's main difference from BastiodonBastiodon is that its double weakness is far less abusable. Additionally, its neutrality to Fighting and access to MoonblastMoonblast allows it to threaten Fighting-type Pokemon such as MedichamMedicham and ScraftyScrafty. However, Carbink lacks the resistances and neutralities provided by BastiodonBastiodon's Steel typing, which can leave it vulnerable to threats such as VenusaurVenusaur, NidoqueenNidoqueen, and ToxapexToxapex.

Ultra League / 5

A max CP of 1658 means Carbink isn't going anywhere here.

Master League / 5


Second Charge Move Cost
75,000 Stardust + 75 Candy
Flee Rate
10 %
Buddy Distance
5 KM
Catch Rate
20 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio