Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Behold, the most powerful Pokemon in the franchise, possessing an Atk stat only bested by… Blissey? Disgusting. Well, for what it lacks in offense it makes up for in… being more fragile than Alakazam? OK, move on people, nothing to see here.

In the console games, Medicham stands out as being one of the heaviest hitters. In Pokemon GO it’s missing the secret to its strength: the ability Pure Power. Pure Power doubles Medicham’s Atk stat, taking it from zero to hero. Alas, Pokemon GO doesn’t have abilities implemented. As a result, Medicham’s base stats are less than Spoink’s.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

  • Counter should be paired with Dynamic Punch. This is Medicham’s best offensive moveset.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

  • Counter is superior to Psycho Cut, dealing more damage to targets that resist Fighting-type attacks.

  • Ice Punch not only provides counter coverage but may also be the only charge move Medicham can use in the 10 seconds before it’s KO'd.

  • While Power-Up Punch may not be particularly powerful, its low cost can make it usable to deal with some attackers.

  • Dynamic Punch has okay stats for defense.

PvP Analysis

While Counter is a good Fast Attack, Psycho Cut is generally preferred for its superior energy generation. This allows Medicham to have set itself apart from other Fighting-type Pokemon such as Annihilape.

Dynamic Punch is an incredibly powerful STAB move, boasting high DPE for its moderately cheap cost; it is Medicham's primary means of dealing Fighting-type damage. Ice Punch rounds out Medicham's coverage by hitting Flying-type Pokemon super effectively. Psychic is an underwhelming move after being nerfed repeatedly (...entirely due to Medicham's own dominance in 2023 and 2023), and is no longer recommended. Power Up Punch should only be used with Counter as Psycho Cut's poor fast move pressure does not synergize well with Attack boosts.

Great League

Medicham was once the best Pokemon in Great League due to its great stats, access to STAB Counter, good coverage, and the fact that it countered every other Fighting-type Pokemon. Then Psychic got repeatedly nerfed. It managed to still be a top-tier Pokemon. Then Annihilape was released and snatched any chances of Medicham returning. Eventually, Counter was nerfed, and now Medicham resides in a retirement home. Buffs to Ice Punch and Dynamic Punch give Medicham some life, though it still waits for the day where it can once again reclaim the Great League throne.

Ultra League

While Medicham’s low CP cap may make it a good Pokemon in Great League, it really doesn’t match up in Ultra.

Master League

Medicham’s CP is far too low to make it usable in Master League. Look elsewhere.

Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
6 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
20 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %