
Team Rocket Ground Type Grunt Guide

Strategies and Counters for Taking Down Ground Type Team GO Rocket Grunts
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Ground Type Grunt - "You'll be defeated into the ground!"

You can make the earth tremble with the potential encounters from this grunt and stomp him into the ground quite easily with the counters listed below. This grunt should be taken down whenever you encounter one, even if it's just for an easy mysterious component.

Pokemon Lineup

Catchable Pokemon

Shadow Excadrill is a fantastic Ground type attacker and a good Steel type attacker. Add a decent IV one to your Ground type team and enjoy it.
Yes, this Pokemon exists.

Supreme Counters

It shouldn't come as a shock that Kartana absolutely cuts through this grunt. With its razor sharp Razor Leaf and the (admittedly) obsolete Leaf Blade. It cuts through this grunt in record time.

Venusaur can be used like Kartana with Razor Leaf, but Vine Whip is also a viable option if you happen to have Frenzy Plant.

Good Counters

Not quite the ice type equivalent of Kartana, but close, Weavile can output some great damage with Ice Shard and Avalanche. It brings the perfect coverage needed to take down this grunt, whether you pair it with Grass or Water type Pokemon.

Why do I recommended an Ice type Pokemon that isn't Mamoswine more than the bringer of winter himself? Whilest it's still great to bring, if you happen to face a Torterra in the final slot carrying Razor Leaf, you might be caught off guard. Just make sure it has Powder Snow and Avalanche if you decide to bring one along.

Waterfall paired with Surf (but please don't remove Origin Pulse for it) will tear through a grunts lineup easily. Though the third slot is quite tricky. You might want to save your charge move for the final slot or simply switch out.

Swampert is always good to bring along when something is weak to water, and that's definitely true in this case! Either use Mud Shot for quick energy generation to spam out Hydro Cannon or Water Gun for Water type pressure.

Other Good Counters

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