
Shadow Whiscash

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Shadow Whiscash is definitely better than its base forme, but it's still discount Swampert.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Mud ShotMud Shot + Mud BombMud BombBest
Water GunWater Gun + Water PulseWater PulseBest
  • Mud Shot should be paired with Mud Bomb; this set is best against Rock-types.

  • Water Gun should be paired with Water Pulse for dealing Pokemon weak to Water.

  • Scald is inferior

  • Blizzard could be used against Dragon-types, but why would you use Whiscash in such a way?

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Mud ShotMud Shot or Water GunWater Gun + Mud BombMud BombBest
  • Mud Shot is marginally superior to Water Gun, offering slightly better coverage.

  • Mud Bomb is generally superior to Water Pulse, hitting both earlier and more often.

  • Blizzard hits fast and can surprise Grass and Dragon-type counters.
  • Scald is harder to dodge than Water Pulse, but it comes out less frequently making it generally inferior.

PvP Analysis

Mud ShotMud Shot + Mud BombMud Bomb and ScaldScald

Mud Shot has a high EPT, allowing Whiscash to unleash a flurry of charge moves.

Mud Bomb is able to be spammed because of its low energy cost, allowing it do force shields easily and do great damage if they decide to forgo shields. Scald is a great secondary Charged Attack that also benefits from STAB; its high chance to debuff Attack synergizes well with Whiscash's good bulk. Blizzard is too expensive to be used consistently, but it can surprise Flying-, Grass-, and Dragon-type Pokemon if it goes unshielded.

Great League4 / 5

Whiscash's standout traits include the combination of its good bulk and reliable STABs. With only one weakness, Whiscash will often put in work in many games. It has great synergy with Pokemon such as Mandibuzz, Froslass, and Alolan Ninetales, as they cover its lone weakness to Grass, while Whiscash threatens Steel-type Pokemon for them.

The nerf to Mud Shot in Pokemon GO: Max Out has toned down Whiscash's pacing. The buff to Mud Slap in the same season has made Gastrodon the top meta choice option.

Ultra League2 / 5

Use Swampert instead.

Master League0 / 5

Absolutely not.

Second Charge Move Cost
10,000 Stardust + 25 Candy
Flee Rate
6 %
Buddy Distance
1 KM
Catch Rate
20 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %