
PvE Analysis
Notable for its pre-evolution Noibat being the rarest Pokemon during the Gen 6 Kalos debut, Noivern unfortunately doesn't have any use in the meta to make up for the difficulty in obtaining it. Inferior stats and an awkward moveset leaves this bat as a dex filler at best.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Air Slash + Hurricane | Best |
- Air Slash benefits from STAB and fulfills a Flying-type role.
- Bite doesn't suit Noivern.
- Draco Meteor is the most powerful move available, but isn't very synergistic with Noivern's fast moves.
- Hurricane benefits from STAB and synergizes with Noivern's fast move easily.
- Psychic actually performs better than Hurricane when Super Effective, despite lacking STAB, but falls behind otherwise.
- Heat Wave is useless.
- Boomburts* is pretty underwhelming.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Air Slash + Psychic | Best |
- Air Slash is superior on defense due to its significantly stronger base power.
- Bite is quite weak on defense.
- Psychic is the only 2-bar move available, and is relatively unresisted against Noivern's counters.
- Hurricane has the earliest damage window, but Noivern might faint before it gets to use it.
- Heat Wave, Draco Meteor, and Boomburts* are all very poor for defense.
PvP Analysis
Air Slash + Psychic + Draco Meteor or Hurricane |
Air Slash benefits from STAB and sports average energy generation. Bite has strong base damage, but lacks STAB and has very poor energy gains.
Psychic is the cheapest charge move energy-wise, and recommended solely for this reason. Draco Meteor and Hurricane tie for the same energy cost and both get STAB; the former is incredibly powerful but risky with its self-debuff, while the latter is less risk and less rewarding. Heat Wave is very bad for PvP.
Great League | |
Noivern has a relatively high ATK stat, which results in below average bulk. A Dragon/Flying typing isn't uncommon, with notable competition from Altaria in this league and to a much lesser extent, Dragonite. Unfortunately Noivern's painfully slow moveset designates it to almost complete trash tier, with neither strong damage output nor fast shield pressure to offer. A major moveset improvement is need if this bat is to see any real use in the meta. | |
Ultra League | |
Noivern competes with Dragonite typing-wise, with only Air Slash to stand out with. Obvious typing advantages will favor Noivern, but its painfully slow moveset will hold it back in most scenarios. While Flying moveset coverage isn't particularly common in this league, various Pokemon can fulfill Noivern's role more effectively without it. | |
Master League | |
Noivern lacks stats and a quality moveset for Master League. |