Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Shadow Flygon is an offensive improvement compared to its non-Shadow variant, but as more Pokemon gain Shadow variants Shadow Flygon will be left in the dust again. On defense its double weakness to Ice-type attacks does it no favors. In short: it's a strict down-grade to Garchomp.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Sand AttackSand Attack + Scorching SandsScorching SandsBest
Dragon TailDragon Tail + Dragon ClawDragon ClawGreat
  • Dragon Tail should be paired with Dragon Claw. This set has better neutral coverage and damage than the Ground-type set.
  • Sand Attack should be paired with Scorching Sands. 
  • Mud Shot is okay, but it's a bit behind.
  • Stone Edge may have a few niche uses, but is generally the worst option.
  • Boomburst, Earthquake, and Earthpower* are inferior.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Dragon TailDragon Tail + Dragon ClawDragon Claw or Earth PowerEarth PowerBest
  • Dragon Tail is Shadow Flygon's only viable fast move on defense, with triple Mud Shot’s power.
  • Dragon Claw is Shadow Flygon’s best charge move option, having 3 charge bars and an early damage window.
  • Earth Power* is a decent second choice, as is Scorching Sands
  • Stone Edge has counter coverage, but Shadow Flygon’s bulk isn’t well suited for 1-bar moves.
  • Sand Attack, Earthquake and Boomburst are underwhelming on defense.

PvP Analysis

Dragon Tail is a solid choice after the buffs from the GBL Season 8 update, with strong STAB damage output and average energy gains. Mud Shot provides very fast energy gains to help Shadow Flygon spam its powerful charge moves, but has very poor damage output. Sand Attack trades off a little bit of energy generation for a little more raw power, making it viable as a choice as well.

Dragon Claw sees a lot of use on Shadow Flygon, which is often used to apply heavy shield pressure and bait shields. Though its base power of 50 and 1.4 DPE (Damage Per Energy) isn't anything spectacular, the frequency of which it can be used is noticeable. Dragon-type opponents also dislike being abused by constant Dragon Claw spam. 

Scorching Sands has a very respectable DPE (Damage per Energy), a relatively low energy cost, and a solid chance to drop the target's Attack on use, making it an optimal choice. Earthquake has the potential to deal huge damage to the opponent if it's unshielded (and if the opponent doesn't fly), making it also worth considering. Stone Edge adds coverage to Flygon and helps deal with its double weakness to Ice-type Pokemon, in addition to common Flying-types. 

Earth Power, Shadow Flygon's Community Day special move, has a DPE very similar to Scorching Sands but with higher energy cost and low odds of cutting the target's Defense, making it the lesser option in most cases.

Great League3 / 5

Flygon competes with other Ground-type and Dragon-type Pokemon in Great League, but due to its offensive stat distribution, falls significantly behind in bulk with a 1500 CP cap. Flygon makes up for this by being one of the fastest spammers in the game, applying heavy shield pressure thanks to the massive energy generation from Mud Shot and low energy cost Dragon Claws. Relatively quick access to the powerful Earthquake and Stone Edge moves enables Flygon to threaten numerous Pokemon with a potential KO if unshielded. Thanks to its moveset, Flygon is one of the best Pokemon at baiting or forcing shields, and almost always leaves a bruise on its opponent before going down. Just keep this guy away from Ice-types. 

Ultra League3.5 / 5

Flygon moves up in the ranks in Ultra League thanks to a higher CP cap. Just like in Great League, Flygon's main role is applying heavy shield pressure with Dragon Claw spam, and threatening fast Earthquakes or Stone Edges. Flygon still has a big issue with Ice-types in this league, and also loses to the big names like Giratina, Lugia, Dialga, and Cresselia, but not without putting up a fight. 

Master League1 / 5

Master League paves the way for a lot of legendary Pokemon due to their high stats, which leaves Flygon somewhat behind.

Purification Cost
5 Candy + 5,000 Stardust
Flee Rate
5 %
Buddy Distance
5 KM
Catch Rate
5 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %