Team Rocket Fighting Type Grunt Guide

Fighting Type Grunt - "This buff physique isn't just for show"
This grunt talks about a "buff physique", but it really is just for show as you can make quick work of this battle with the counters listed below. Having some of the most valuable encounters among the current Rockets as rewards, any Fighting type grunt that you come across should always be battled. You will not regret it, as whether you're into PvP or PvE, this grunt will have something for you.
Pokemon Lineup
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Catchable Pokemon
Shadow Machop is an incredible Fighting type attacker in the PvE meta. If you are lucky enough to get one with good IVs, you will not be disappointed by adding one of these to your collection. Oh, and for the shiny hunters out there, this Machop can shine for you if you're lucky enough!
Supreme Counters
With Psycho Cut and
Psystrike*, Mewtwo makes this an easy fight. Confusion is also very much viable here and very satisfying to use against Toxicroak.
If you happen to have a Moltres withSky Attack* ready to go, it can put in great work here. It will make for a "breeze" of a battle.
I'm just as surprised as you are, but Lunala has found itself a niche over its more powerful form, Dawn Wings Necrozma, as that form has no access to Psychic, which is way better to fight through any fighting types standing in your way.
Being double resistant to fighting, Togekiss makes for the tankier option for this fight. Though admittedly it has to watch out for any poison type moves that Toxicroak can throw at it. Other than that, it can easily Charm down anything this grunt has to throw at you. If you have the option for a second charge move,
Aerial Ace will help you out for those pesky frogs and monkeys in the backline.
While often hindered by its typing, Gardevoir performs really well against opponents throwing fighting types moves at it. It plays the same as Togekiss as you can mindlessly Charm your way through your opponent, though it might prefer a Psychic type charge move for those frogs and monkeys.
Good Counters
Boasting great DPS, Staraptor can hit like a truck and deal a great amount of damage with either Gust or
Wing Attack and firing of a
Fly whenever it has the energy for it. Unfortunatly, it is hindered by its normal sub typing, making it a bit harder to use.
If you happen to have an Alakazam with Psychic (which requires an Elite Charge TM) you can use it as a poor mans version of Mewtwo, under whoms shadow it, unfortunatly, will always live.
I have to admit that I sometimes forget that Metagross has a viable Psychic type moveset in Zen Headbutt and psychic. It's nice and tanky, making up for its Steel sub typing which takes super effective damage from fighting type moves. Do note that it does not like any fire type moves Infernape can throw at it.
Other Good Gounters
In conjunction with the above counters, several other Pokemon do a great job here, including a number of generally great Pokemon in the Master League. Feel free to mix-and-match a bit, as any of these and beyond can do a great job as well! Due note that Rayquaza, whilst having access to a strong Flying type moveset, is a bit clunky to use as Dragon Ascent requires a lot of energy.