
Team Rocket Decoy Grunt Guide

Strategies and Counters for Taking Down Grass Type Team GO Rocket Grunts
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Decoy Grunt - "Fooled ya, twerp."

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a third time and let's face it, you're actively hunting Shadow Bellsprout. This hunt is only troublesome when it carries around a Snorlax.

Pokemon Lineup

Catchable Pokemon

Shadow Victreebel is an alright Grass and Poison type attacker, being slightly more effective as a Grass type attacker. On the PvP side, it has seen better days, whilst being more of a niche pick today. Oh yeah, and it can be shiny.

Supreme Counters

Look no further than Heatran when you're wanting to take on this grunt. Fire Spin is great for energy generation while also dealing considerable damage, paired with Magma Storm* for a very spammy moveset that leaves opposing pokemon almost permanently stunned.

With the deadly combination of Counter/Force Palm* and Power-Up-Punch at its disposal, Lucario can stun lock this grunt quite easily.

While often hindered by it’s Rock sub typing, it actually comes in handy for once! Combining Double Kick with Sacred Sword* will make it almost impossible for your opponent to deal any damage back to you, provided you use Sacred Sword* on cooldown.

Good Counters

Fire Spin and Flame Charge will make for good damage, whilst it Ghost/Fire typing allows it to resist most moves this grunt throws at it, though Bite and Lick will chip away at it really fast.

Counter and Cross Chop makes for a very spammy moveset, though Zen Headbutt on Snorlax is no joke.

Other Good Counters

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