
PvP Analysis
Fairy Wind is Togetic's only viable Charged Attack due to its high energy generation. Hidden Power and Extrasensory are both underwhelming.
Dazzling Gleam is a fairly potent STAB nuke, and its heavy cost can often be reached thanks to a combination of Fairy Wind's high energy gains and Togetic's solid bulk. Aerial Ace is Togetic's cheapest Charged Attack and benefits from STAB. Ancient Power, however, can be ran to pressure Fire-type Pokemon
Great League | |
Togetic has impressive bulk and a unique typing. As a Fairy-type Pokemon, Togetic pressures several popular threats such as Altaria, Annihilape, and Sableye. However, Togetic has underwhelming Charged Attacks, making poor use of Fairy Wind's energy generation. The omnipresence of Lanturn and Steel-type Pokemon can quickly halt any progress Togetic wants to achieve. | |
Ultra League | |
Evolve it. | |
Master League | |
Evolve it I promise you. Togekiss is actually a decent Pokemon in this league. |