Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Blissey is the titan of the Gym meta past, and the scourge of the early raid meta. Seeing a Blissey anywhere near a gym was always cause for annoyance, as its presence as a defender meant a prolonged encounter, while its presence as an attacker meant that someone was dragging down the Raid group's average DPS. Either way, Blissey was once considered the absolute best defender in the game in its day, as it was the single best time-waster that anyone could ever ask for.

Nowadays, however, Blissey is pretty sub-par. While it's still a solid speed-bump, it's also a Pokemon that's only worth investing in for the Defense meta, a meta that's long since decayed. It's honestly not worth investing in a defensive Blissey anymore.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Absolutely + NotBest
  • Please do your raid group a favor and don't use Blissey on attack.
  • Seriously; don't use Blissey on attack!

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Zen Headbutt + Dazzling Gleam or Psychic or Wild ChargeBest

Blissey does not really have a "bad" defensive moveset. All defending Blissey movesets perform exceptionally against the majority of attackers.

  • Zen Headbutt slightly outperforms Pound due to better type coverage, more damage, and more energy generation on defense.

  • Psychic hits hard and is 2 bar, dealing with many Fighting Type would-be counters.

  • Dazzling Gleam is used frequently and is effective against numerous very common gym sweepers.

  • Wild Charge* is a good defensive charged move, though its coverage isn't extremely useful for Blissey in particular.

  • While Blissey has great general survivability, Hyper Beam comes out too infrequently to be useful and is pretty easy to dodge.

PvP Analysis

Zen Headbutt + Wild Charge and Psychic or Dazzling Gleam

Pound and Zen Headbutt are two of the worst fast moves in the entire game for PvP. With pathetic energy gains and horrible damage, there's not much to expect from these other than maybe more disappointment.

Among Blissey's Charged Moves, Wild Charge is the best option for its high power, low energy cost, and solid neutral coverage that is also neutral against many of the Steel Types that could otherwise wall out Blissey, though its Defense drop definitely hurts Blissey's longevity.  Psychic sports great counter-coverage and the second lowest energy cost among Blissey's Charged Moves after Wild Charge, making it the top secondary Charged Move option. Finally, Dazzling Gleam has major advantages against Dragon and Fighting Types in particular, though it's also Blissey's most energy-intensive Charged move outside of Hyper Beam, so its main utility is as a surprise heavy blow.

Great League0 / 5

When PvP was first announced Niantic calmed the fears of the masses about a giant pink monster terrorizing everyone like it did in the old-school gym system. With an insanely high bulk and coverage moves against its only weakness, Blissey was set to become arguably the best Pokemon for PvP in almost every league, until moves got reworked for PvP. A ginormous nerf to essentially all of Blissey's moves, and especially its Fast Moves, helped drop it from hero to zero and paved the way for the rest of the 99% to have a chance at PvP. 

While move reworks and a Community Day have made life easier on Blissey, it's still not really worthwhile.

Ultra League2 / 5

With a higher CP cap Blissey gets a better win ratio in Ultra League, though mostly against off-meta picks.

Master League0 / 5

Blissey cracks like an egg in the Master League, where many of the absolute titans of the game don't tend to have much of an issue getting around it with little to no damage taken.

Second Charge Move Cost
75,000 Stardust + 75 Candy
Flee Rate
5 %
Buddy Distance
5 KM
Catch Rate
5 %
Female Ratio
100 %
Male Ratio
0 %