
Team Rocket Dragon Type Grunt Guide

Strategies and Counters for Taking Down Dragon Type Team GO Rocket Grunts
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It's time to get excited! This grunt is like Christmas all year round, as almost every single possible encounter grants a genuinely powerful Pokemon. While it's extremely rare and not always the easiest Rocket to take down without the right counters, you do not want to skip this grunt.

Dragon Type Grunt - "Roar! ... How'd that sound?"

Pokemon Lineup

Catchable Pokemon

Shadow Dragonite has long been, and remains, one of the top Dragon types in the game. It's a great investment and will definitly improve your Dragon type team. Oh yeah, and it can be shiny!

Tl;dr of Dratini: It's a great Dragon type attacker!

Supreme Counters

While most of these dragons are exceptionally strong, they are likely to take serious damage as well. Make sure to build your team accordingly!

The bringer of winter is here and ready to take down any Dragon standing in your way. Make sure it has Powder Snow and Avalanche before taking it into battle. Note that some of the pokemon you face cary Fire and Steel type fast moves, so don't just rely on this mamoth alone!

Togekiss is here to represent Fairy types and it does a fantastic job at it. Simply by spamming Charm it can take this grunt down easily, while its Fairy typing allows it to tank some dangerous Dragon type attacks.

Do you enjoy not taking damage? Well do I have something to share with you. Giratina is blessed with Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw. This moveset basically leaves a grunt stun locked, only getting a single fast move in before Giratina has another Dragon Claw ready to go!

With fantastic stats and a even fantasticer moveset in Dragon Breath and Spacial Rend*, Origin Palkia will perform great here.

Good Counters

While most of these dragons are exceptionally strong, they are likely to take serious damage as well. Make sure to build your team accordingly!

A bit of an odd choice at first glance, but hear me out. Not being a Dragon itself, but having access to a Dragon type moveset in Dragon Breath and Outrage allows Gyarados to shine where other Dragons tend to take too much damage. Bonus points if you have one with Dragon Tail*, though it's not necessary.

While it has fantastic typing and a great fast move in Dragon Breath, it lacks a solid dragon type charged move that it can throw out frequently. It currently only has Draco Meteor, which will do the job fine but makes it a little unwieldy, especially with the resulting damage drop. Honestly, it might be better to spam Iron Head, then switch to Draco Meteor to quickly finish off the last Pokemon on the Rocket's team.

While resisting any Dragon type move thrown at it, it can return great damage with Charm and Dazzling Gleam.

Other Good Counters

In conjunction with the above counters, several other Pokemon do a great job here, including a number of generally great Pokemon in the Master League. Feel free to mix-and-match a bit, as any of these and beyond can do a great job as well!

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