
The Young & Wise Event Begins on December 10

Rare Pokemon and Useful Bonuses are available for all players.
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Boomers and Zoomers unite, it's time for an event that celebrates both ends of the age spectrum! While admittedly not the most exciting event, it's got some rare spawns and decent bonuses to take advantage of.

Young & Wise

Event StartEvent End
December 10, at 10:00 a.m. local timeDecember 14, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. local time
  • 2x Hatch XP
  • 2x Raid XP for winning
  • A selection of Pokemon will be available in raids
  • A selection of Pokemon will be hatching from 2km Eggs collected during the event
  • Event-themed Field Research Tasks, Pokestop Showcases, and Collection Challenges

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