Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

This little bug is the epitome of extremes. Its resume is nothing if not eye-catching; Shuckle has the absolute lowest CP and Atk in the game, with the 4th lowest HP stat as a kicker. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Shuckle has the single highest Def stat in all of GO, making its role plain to see.

Though Shuckle has weaknesses to common Water and Rock-type attackers, its titanic Def will help to mitigate the low base power of Water Gun. Do note, Shuckle’s abysmal HP serves as a counterpoint to its monstrous Def, so its overall bulk turns out to be fairly average. Though it probably won’t force attackers to burn many potions, this turtle-rock goofball will definitely waste some time and phone batteries.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Please + don'tBest

Please don't.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Struggle Bug or Rock Throw + Rock BlastBest
  • Struggle Bug and Rock Throw perform similarly; both have their respective matchups, but the former has slightly higher energy gain.

  • Rock Blast is favored over Stone Edge; despite the latter's early damage window its single bar makes it exploitable, while the former is spread out across 3 bars.

  • Gyro Ball is clearly inferior due to its late damage window, lack of STAB, and poor counter coverage.

PvP Analysis

Rock Throw + Rock Blast and Stone Edge

Rock Throw + Rock Blast and Stone Edge 

There's no simulation according to PvPoke where Shuckle gets a win with Struggle Bug. Use Rock Throw.

Rock Blast costs 40 energy and is the most likely to be used before Shuckle faints. Stone Edge performs way better than Gyro Ball on paper, but Gyro Ball is somewhat of an option for coverage. It's unlikely Shuckle will even be alive at that point though. 

Great League 0 / 5

You might not fuckle with Shuckle, but with a max CP of 458 it ain't PvPing either. It does have ginormous stats in Little Cup though, for what it's worth.

Ultra League / 5
Master League / 5
Purification Cost
3 Candy + 3,000 Stardust
Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
7 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
30 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %