Genesect - Chill Drive

PvE Analysis
Team Plasma's monster hit the scene as the new strongest Bug Type attacker at the time of its release, but sadly it's long since been overshadowed in this job. It's a decent Bug and an... okay-ish.... Steel Type attacker, but most of the time its job is better performed by another Pokemon, especially of a different type.
With the introduction of the different drive versions of Genesect, some may be worried that their version of Genesect doesn't quite stand up to the others. Well, don't worry about it! Techno Blast's various versions are only good in PvP, so a normal Genesect is just as viable as any of its alternate formes in raids.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Fury Cutter + X-Scissor | Best |
Metal Claw + Magnet Bomb | Great |
- Fury Cutter and X-Scissor go together to make Genesect a decent Bug Type attacker
- Metal Claw and Magnet Bomb make Genesect a Steel attacker, though it's fairly lackluster.
- Ice Beam and Techno Blast (Chill)* are inferior.
PvP Analysis
Fury Cutter + Techno Blast (Chill)* and X-Scissor or Magnet Bomb |
Fury Cutter is Genesect's only currently viable Fast Attack and provides it with impressive energy generation. Metal Claw is underpowered.
Techno Blast (Chill) is Genesect's signature move and the primary reason to run the Pokemon to begin with, sporting an incredibly high DPE for its energy cost while its Ice typing gives it great Super Effective coverage against a lot of powerful Pokemon. X-scissor is Genesect's cheapest option and is great for baiting and finishing off weakened targets. Magnet Bomb is slightly more expensive, but it can improve Genesect's coverage against Fairy-type Pokemon. Its higher DPE may also make Genesect less reliant on Techno Blast.
Great League | |
Genesect is a Bug/Steel Pokemon with high offensive stats, relatively poor bulk, and a spammy moveset. Due to the CP cap of Great League, Genesect's performance very closely resembles that of Scizor, another Pokemon with the same typing, very similar stat distribution, and almost identical movesets. To compare between the two, Genesect sports the superior Steel-type charge move, while Scizor features the superior Steel-type fast move. However, in the Great League meta these features are not typically valued due to Genesect's poor bulk, and very niche coverage. Some Pokemon that are considered to be very bulky in this league can overcome Genesect, even when Genesect would have a typing advantage. Overall this is probably a Pokemon you can pass on, especially considering the large resource costs needed to unlock its secondary charge move. | |
Ultra League | / 5 |
Access to quick Bug and Steel coverage in addition to Bug/Steel-type resistances gives Genesect a good niche in Ultra League. Wins against popular Fairy-types and advantages against bulky Psychic-types are definitely a welcoming addition to anyone's team, but struggles against the rest of the meta results in Genesect being more questionable than favorable. | |
Master League | / 5 |
With a max CP of 3791 and somewhat poor bulk, Genesect would appreciate additional stats to compete with the top Pokemon in this league. Unfortunately its Bug and Steel coverage is almost useless in this league, where Dragons and Steel-types are ubiquitous. It gets some points for being able to beat Fairy-types, but it doesn't get much better beyond that when it comes to the popular meta. |