
Team Rocket Flying Type Grunt Guide

Strategies and Counters for Taking Down Flying Type Team GO Rocket Grunts
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Flying Type Rocket - "Battle against my Flying type Pokémon"

Battle against my flying type Pokémon and take your flying type raid team to the next level! Ok, well, maybe not by that much as Rayquaza still reigns supreme over the flying type meta. If you’re a fan of grinding out your Purifier medal, then this is just the grunt for you as 80% of all possible encounters can be purified for the low low price of 1000 stardust. If you’re still not convinced, I still recommend not skipping this grunt as it’s at least a fast and easy mysterious component to help you grind out those shiny shadow Rocket leaders.

Pokemon Lineup

Catchable Pokemon

Shadow Pidgey is, unfortunately, not useful for anything except as a cheap completion of a purification task.

Supreme Counters

With Powder Snow and Avalanche, Mamoswine can bring devastation like… Well, like an Avalanche. It does have to watch out for Steel Wing on Shadow Dragonite and Shadow Archeops Make sure you have an Avalanche ready to go when you’re facing the final Pokémon for a clean sweep.

Are you a fan of mindlessly tapping your way through a grunt with Smack Down and a Rock Slide for good measure? Then Rampardos is just the pick for you! Though Shadow Gligar could slow you down a bit taking neutral damage from Rock type moves, and then there’s Steel Wing on Shadow Dragonite and Shadow Archeops again… Maybe do keep an eye on your screen, but overall Rampardos performs well against this grunt.

Much like Rampardos, you can just spam Smack Down to clear your way through this grunt. If you happened to have Surf as a second move on Rhyperior (which should always have Rock Wrecker) you can make take out a decent chunk if the grunt you’re facing happens to be carrying a Shadow Gligar. Same weaknesses as Rampardos and Mamoswine apply here.

Raikou can be used in two different ways. Volt Switch allows for great fast type damage, while Thunder Shock makes Wild Charge more spammier with less fast move pressure. Though it gets walled by Shadow Gligar and Shadow Dragonite, against the right grunt lineup you can easily blow through this grunt.

Good Counters

Though admittedly a worse Ice Type than Mamoswine, Glaceon makes for a solid second choice! Just make sure that it has Avalanche.

Smack Down and Rock Slide are the way to go. Though its stats are a bit sub-par compared to other rock types, it is more than capable of securing a Mysterious Component here!

Behold the poor mans version of Raikou!

Other Good Counters

In conjunction with the above counters, several other Pokemon do a great job here, including a number of generally great Pokemon in the Master League. Feel free to mix-and-match a bit, as any of these and beyond can do a great job as well!

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