Shadow Gligar

PvE Analysis
PvP Analysis
Fury Cutter is slightly preferred over Wing Attack after the latter's nerf in Pokemon GO: Max Out, having a slightly higher energy generation at the cost of a little bit of damage
Gligar's STAB Charged Attacks received buffs in the Adventures Abound Season, allowing it to finally make good use of its excellent and nigh-unresisted STAB combination. Dig is a medium cost Ground STAB move that deals okay damage and is fairly reliable. Aerial Ace is a fairly cheap STAB move. Night Slash is a cheaper Charged Attack than Aerial Ace and is a viable option, but it does not receive STAB.
Great League | |
From Adventure Abounds until Shared Skies, Gligar was a top meta pick for the Great League due to its fantastic stats, typing, and moves. It redefined the Flying-type role due to its part Ground-typing and its access to a moderately reliable Ground-type STAB, which allowed it to pressure Electric- and Steel-type Pokemon much better than other Fliers. Shadow Gligar was especially potent; it was able to make good use of the Shadow Bonus due to its consistent damage output, and it was still bulky enough even with the defense penalty. Pokemon GO: Max Out has nerfed Gligar tremendously, with Wing Attack suffering from an energy loss and Dig dealing less damage. As a result, Gligar lost the tools it needed to remain a top meta threat. However, as a bulky Flying-type with fairly reliable coverage against Electric- and Steel-type Pokemon, Gligar's niche remains unique and can see play from time to time. | |
Ultra League | |
Use Gliscor instead as it can actually reach the CP cap. | |
Master League | |
Gligar would rather glide home than fight scary dragons and dinosaurs and whales in Master League. And scary beasts and things with bigger wings and stuff. |