
Team Rocket Electric Type Grunt Guide

Strategies and Counters for Taking Down Electric Type Team GO Rocket Grunts.
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Electric Type Grunt - "Get ready to be shocked"

It might be shocking how easily this grunt is taken down when you exploit Electrics only weakness: Ground. This grunt holds some of the strongest Electric type raid attackers that are currently in the game. Taking on any of these grunts is highly recommended as Electric is a key type in taking down some of the stronger raid bosses in the game.

Pokemon Lineup

Catchable Pokemon

There are some limited cups where Shadow Galvantula shines, but those are... limited. If you're not a PvP player, there isn't much for you here. But hey, it is cute.

Voltorb likes to roll, and so will your eyes when you encounter it. This grunt has a few great Pokemon but, Shadow Electrode isn't one of them.

Supreme Counters

Garchomp is the absolute way to go here. It almost takes negative damage thanks to its Dragon and Ground typing from any Electric moves, and Chomps it's way through this grunt with Mud Shot and Earth Power easily.

Much like Garchomp, Excadrill can Drill its way through this grunt. Slap Mud Slap with Scorching Sands and Rock Slide (if you have a second move unlocked) to take down Galvantula.

Good Counters

Groudon is a fearsome pokemon that will make any Electric type tremble easily. Unfortunately, it lacks a charge move it can reliably spam out, making it a bit clunky to use.

Mamoswine will perform great here with Mud Slap and Bulldoze.

Much like Mamoswine, it ideally has Bulldoze paired with Mud Shot for grunts, but Sandsear Storm as a charge move is overall better on this Pokemon.

Other Good Counters

In conjunction with the above counters, several other Pokemon do a great job here, including a number of generally great Pokemon in the Master League. Feel free to mix-and-match a bit, as any of these and beyond can do a great job as well!

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