Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Garbodor reeks of a terrible stench, and is more likely to scare off Stardust investments rather than raid bosses or gym attackers. Pitiful stats and a lackluster moveset prevent Garbodor from being viable in the PvE scene, other than maybe insulting gym attackers with its hilarious trash can animation from Gunk Shot. 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Infestation + (Any)Best
  • Infestation is the superior fast move, though it lacks STAB. 
  • Take Down is just a terrible move overall.
  • Gunk Shot is the best charge move available, and hits hard with STAB.
  • Seed Bomb isn't amazing, but is more accessible as a 3-bar move.
  • Body Slam can't be Super Effective against anything. 
  • Acid Spray is for PvP.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Infestation + Seed Bomb or Seed BombBest
  • Infestation is the superior fast move on defense.
  • Take Down is still bad. 
  • Seed Bomb can be used often on defense, and covers against weaknesses to Ground-type attackers. 
  • Body Slam is also okay on defense as a 3-bar move, but can't be Super Effective. 
  • Gunk Shot gets STAB and hits hard, though being a 1-bar move is cumbersome. 
  • Acid Spray is for PvP. 

PvP Analysis

Infestation + Body Slam and Gunk Shot or Seed Bomb

Infestation offers fast energy generation, though its damage output is rather lackluster. 

Body Slam costs the least amount of energy, sports good damage value, and can be used frequently. Seed Bomb costs 5 energy more and can provide useful Grass-type coverage, but its damage output is somewhat unimpressive. Acid Spray is not recommended due to its more expensive 50 energy cost, though its utility could still be viable during switches. Gunk Shot hits very hard with STAB, though it demands huge amounts of energy to use.

Great League1.5 / 5

Garbodor is an oddball in PvP, with average bulk, and a horrific odor that might pack more of a punch than its unusual moveset. Access to good energy generation and spammable Body Slam gives Garbodor numerous opportunities to pressure shields, and the potential to hit for big damage in the form of a trash can (AKA Gunk Shot) is downright disrespectful. Unfortunately lacking STAB on both of its fast moves and Body Slam causes Garbodor to be somewhat lackluster in damage output, with various matchups lost if Gunk Shot is shielded. A possible moveset rebalance in the future might enable Garbodor to challenge more of the meta, but for now it's probably better being in the trash can. 

Ultra League1 / 5

What holds Garbodor back primarily is its irrelevant moveset, which doesn't threaten much of the meta other than Grass and Fairy-types. Overall a niche pick at best, and not really worth bringing out of the trash bin. 

Master League0 / 5

It's probably not a good idea to make dragons mad by throwing a trash can at them. 

Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
10 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
10 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio