Galarian Slowking

PvE Analysis
Galarian Slowking has poor stats for raids and attacking gyms, but makes for a decent gym defender due to its resistances against common Fighting-type attackers. Unfortunately it isn't extremely threatening against other attackers like Tyranitar.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Confusion + Future Sight | Best |
Acid + Sludge Wave | Great |
- Confusion paired with Future Sight is good for a Psychic-type role.
- Acid and Sludge Wave aren't amazing, but benefits from STAB and makes for a budget Poison-type role.
- Hex synergizes with Shadow Ball for a Ghost-type role, but actual Ghost-type Pokemon should be considered.
- Surf* and Scald are the worst options on offer.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Confusion + Scald | Best |
- Confusion is the best fast move for defense due to its incredible base damage.
- Hex is less likely to be resisted than Acid on defense, but the latter is better vs neutral attackers.
- Scald has great neutral coverage and comes out frequently than the other options.
- Surf* is basically Scald but worse on defense.
- Shadow Ball is a 2-bar move with great power and coverage, though it's also easy to dodge.
- Future Sight is faster and stronger than Sludge Wave for defense, but neither might see use before Galarian Slowking faints.
PvP Analysis
Hex or Confusion + Surf and Shadow Ball |
Confusion sports more than double the damage output of Hex thanks to STAB, but the latter offers faster energy gains. Acid is a poor move, even with STAB.
Surf is mandatory due to being Galarian Slowking's only low cost Charged Attack, and is a great move in general. Shadow Ball costs a moderately high amount of energy, but it has a largely unresisted coverage. Future Sight and Sludge Wave demand the same high energy cost and threaten a lot of STAB damage if unshielded; either can be viable depending on the preferred typing coverage.
Great League | |
Slowpoke Community Day provided Galarian Slowking with a much-needed low cost move in Surf, patching its biggest weakness of having only expensive Charged Attacks to work with. Despite this, Galarian Slowking is still only decent at best, thriving more in restricted formats where it can make better use of its rather unique typing and Shadow Ball coverage. It lacks Galarian Slowbro's Poison Jab, making it unreliable making full use of its Poison subtyping. | |
Ultra League | |
Resistances to Grass, Fairy, and Fighting is largely what gives Galarian Slowking some breathing room in Ultra League. Access to Hex and Shadow Ball is great for covering prominent Ghost- and Psychic-type Pokemon such as Giratina and Cresselia. However, with only a rather average stat product, as well as Jellicent existing, Galarian Slowking unfortunately doesn't find much play. | |
Master League | |
Behold, the glorious king of... slowness. So slow that it competes with Slaking in terms of who can faint the... slowest.... |