
Team Rocket Fairy Type Grunt Guide

Strategies and Counters for Taking Down Fairy Type Team GO Rocket Grunts
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Featuring one of the best Fairy types as a possible encounter in Kirlia, this grunt has something to be excited about. Besides that, it makes for an easy mysterious component.

Fairy Type Grunt - "Check out my cute Pokemon!"

Pokemon Lineup

Catchable Pokemon

It's a decent Fairy type attacker, but gets outlcassed by others.

It's a decent Fairy type attacker, but gets outlcassed by others.

Supreme Counters

Whenever something is weak to Steel, Metagross will always be amongst the top counters. With Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash* it will make quick work of this grunt. Note that Bite on Snubbel can be a bit problamatic.

Being one of the Monarchs of the game, Dusk Mane is a huge threat with Metal Claw and Sunsteel Strike.

Good Counters

Slap Metal Claw and Iron Head on it and you have yourselves a proper addition to your team.

Slap Metal Claw and Iron Head on it and you have yourselves a proper addition to your team. Deja vu?

Poison is often considered sub-optimal to put it nicely, but Nihilego breaks that mold with Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb and a good attack stat to go along with it.

Other Good Counters

In conjunction with the above counters, several other Pokemon do a great job here, including a number of generally great Pokemon in the Master League. Feel free to mix-and-match a bit, as any of these and beyond can do a great job as well!

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