
Team Rocket Bug Type Grunt Guide

Strategies and Counters for Taking Down Bug Type Team GO Rocket Grunts.
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Get ready to squish this grunt with ease, as Bug types are known to be one of the weakest types out there. It's easy to take down, which makes for an easy mysterious component, but other than that this is one of the most skippable grunts.

Bug Type Grunt - "Go, my super bug Pokemon!"

Pokemon Lineup

Catchable Pokemon
Shadow ScytherShadow Scizor is one of the best Bug type raid attackers in the game, which tells you all you need to know. Bug is almost never considered to be a viable type in raids, making even a good Shadow Scyther not a top priority for players to invest in. It can be shiny though.
Shadow VenipedeWhile it's final evolution, Scolipede, looks very cool, it's unfortunately not that good.
Shadow CaterpieIt costs 1000 stardust to purify, other than that, there isn't much going on here.
Shadow KarrablastNope, this bug isn't good either.
Shadow ShelmetAnother bug, another skip.
Shadow AnorithIt can be shiny! That's it.

Supreme Counters

Look no further than Heatran when you're wanting to take on this grunt. Fire Spin is great for energy generation while also dealing considerable damage, paired with Magma Storm* for a very spammy moveset that leaves the any pokemon permanently stunned.

The ultimate Bug-squishing machine has got to be Rampardos, lunging rocks with Smack Down and Rock Slide. Just be aware of the fact that it's a bit glassy!

Do you want to have a breeze of a battle? Look no further than Shadow Staraptor! It has a great moveset with either Wing Attack or Gust* and Fly.

Good Counters

Behold, the wielder of fantastic Fire DPS. Slap Fire Spin on it paired with Flame Charge for a genuinely fantastic counter.

It's genuinely great here with Fire Spin, and unlike Heatran, it's more accessible. Though admittedly it does need an Elite TM for Blast Burn* if you don't have one.

The ultimate Bug-squishing machine lite Rhyperior is here! Make sure it has Smack Down and Rock Wrecker* for some serious bug-squishing.

Other Good Counters

In conjunction with the above counters, several other Pokemon do a great job here, including a number of generally great Pokemon in the Master League. Feel free to mix-and-match a bit, as any of these and beyond can do a great job as well!

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