
PvE Analysis
Zangoose is yet another useless regional, and it stands out among others as a Normal Type; arguably the worst type in virtually all PvE formats. Zangoose is outclassed in every role that it could hope to perform, and offers very little value for the cost of powering it up. On top of this, the main series has nothing more to offer Zangoose's future aside from a move that was its signature move on release, Crush Claw. Regardless, it would take a huge shift in the way that Pokemon Go is played for Zangoose to have any value.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Shadow Claw + Night Slash | Best |
- Shadow Claw should be paired with Night Slash to bring the pain to Ghost and Psychic-type Pokemon.
- Fury Cutter should be paired with Close Combat to attack Normal and Dark-type Pokemon.
- Dig is useless on an offensive Zangoose.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Shadow Claw + Night Slash | Best |
- Shadow Claw paired with Night Slash is Zangoose’s only viable defensive moveset.
- Fury Cutter and Dig are too weak to rate.
- Close Combat is too slow to have any impact.
PvP Analysis
Shadow Claw + Night Slash and Close Combat | Best |
Shadow Claw is an objectively great move. Solid damage, great energy gain, and a narrowly resisted typing. It pairs reasonably well with Night Slash's low energy cost and Close Combat sheer power, which should be used responsibly due to the Defense debuff that it triggers every time it's used.
Great League | / 5 |
Zangoose can come in and counter Ghosts, but that's about it. It doesn't have the stats or typing to excel in the Great League, and is a very niche pick for the league at best. | |
Ultra League | / 5 |
Zangoose is still glassy here, but it's got the perfect coverage to counter the uber powerful core of Registeel and Giratina. However, the only matchups it really dominates are those against the Origin forme of the latter, and the Shadow Claw variant of the Altered forme. It's also not the most accessible Pokémon, as it's both a Regional mon and one that requires XLs to reach its full potential. | |
Master League | / 5 |
Zangoose is a walking loss in the master league. |