
PvE Analysis
In a sea of Bug-types vying for stardust, none of them that outstanding to begin with, Venomoth doesn't bring much to the table. Its dual-typing allows it to double-resist Fighting types, and its moveset gives it the tools to hit them super-effectively, but its low stats and lack of STAB keep it from making a splash in this regard; especially in the face of other easy-to-obtain options like Alakazam or Espeon. It's somewhat adequate if you need a Bug-type, but Bug-type is fairly low priority for most trainers as anything that Bug counters can generally be countered better by another type outside of double-weaknesses. On defense, Venomoth has the aforementioned advantage of double-resisting Fighting types and hitting back hard with Confusion, which is a good quality given the ubiquitous nature of Machamp, but it doesn't have much else to its benefit
Venomoth can help get a trainer through the early stages of the game, but it's not a wise long-term investment.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Best | |
Good |
- Bug Bite and Infestation are somewhat similar, with the former having higher base damage and the later higher energy gain, but Bug Bite pulls ahead slightly by being easier to dodge with and having slightly lower overall average damage, although it is a legacy move.
- Confusion is an objectively great move, but its performance isn't objectively great on Venomoth.
- Psywave is sub-par by comparison.
- Bug Buzz is Venomoth's charged move of choice, trumping Silver Wind and giving it a dual-bug moveset with Bug Bite or Infestation.
- Psychic can be paired with Confusion if you're desperate for a Psychic attacker, though this really isn't the Pokemon to do this with.
- Poison Fang is not a good move for Venomoth.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Best |
- Confusion is Venomoth's best defensive quick-move due to its sheer power.
- Infestation is an acceptable defensive move.
- Bug Bite falls behind on defense, and is the worst option for a quick move.
- Silver Wind has multiple bars and hits fairly hard, making it the best charged move.
- Psychic can hit Machamp fairly hard.
- Poison Fang has 3 bars and STAB, but its low base damage makes it a fairly poor move on defense.
PvP Analysis
Psywave is more or less what gives Venomoth its niche. Confusion is alright, but its MUCH longer duration and significantly worse duration makes it not worth running. Infestation is worse than Psywave in just about every way.
Poison Fang costs the least amount of energy, benefits from STAB, and can be used frequently. Silver Wind has a moderate cost and can potentially boost Venomoth's stats. Bug Buzz and Psychic are fairly expensive and underwhelming options.
Great League | |
Venomoth's typing, stats, and moveset relegate it to a position as a counter-pick against many Fighting, Grass, or Poison-type Pokemon. In a neutral setting, Venomoth's performance is best described as "average". It has a few good moveset options, but it's nothing exceptional. However, when facing a Pokemon that it has an advantage against that doesn't have a sub-type that covers its weakness, Venomoth can be a nightmare, taking down threats such as Toxicroak, Wigglytuff, and Meganium hard. This makes Venomoth's greatest use a way to patch up holes in your Great League team, taking out threats that would otherwise take down other members of your team. That said, other Pokemon can punch those same holes and even more, making Venomoth a risky choice outside of limited-type formats such as Silph Road cups. | |
Ultra League | |
Venomoth is too weak for the Ultra League | |
Master League | |
Venomoth is too weak for the Master League |