
PvE Analysis
Falinks is an interesting Pokemon that looks somewhat ridiculous in the overworld screen. Its stats and movesets aren't particularly notable, especially considering much stronger Fighting-types that are already in the game, which makes it mostly a dex filler.
Max Battles
As a Dynamax Pokemon, Falinks is pretty much just Machamp, but worse. It used to have a niche as the only Fighting Type Dynamax Pokemon, but that ship has long since sailed. Don't nvest heavily here.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Best |
- Counter is the ideal Fast Move of choice.
- Rock Smash is inferior.
- Superpower outperforms Brick Break on offense.
- Megahorn has no use nor STAB.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Best |
- Rock Smash boasts higher damage and energy numbers on defense, compared to Counter.
- Brick Break is fast and spammed frequently on defense, but is a weak move overall.
- Superpower trades speed for more damage, and is a decent choice for defense.
- Megahorn can threaten Psychic-type attackers if Falinks hasn't fainted by then.
PvP Analysis
A moveset born by exclusion. Rock Smash and Brick Break are horrible, and this is what we're left with. Counter is really good, though, so that's nice.
Great League | |
Falinks is...fine. Megahorn's high cost has some anti-synergy with Superpower, which really benefits from a bait move. Megahorn can be useful to hit Grass- and Psychic-types which are pretty prevalent in the format. That said, Falinks is just outclassed by all the other Counter users in the format, and that hurts its viability a lot. | |
Ultra League | |
Falinks has the same issues in Ultra League that it does in Great League, and then a few more. A total inability to hit Ghost-types causes it some serious issues in a format dominated by Giratina. | |
Master League | |
Falinks's max CP is far too low to let it compete in Master League. |