
PvE Analysis
Treat Emolga like a the Pikachu-clone that it is and bury it in your box.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Thunder Shock + Thunderbolt | Best |
- Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt is the only moveset worth using on offense for Emolga
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Quick Attack + Discharge or Aerial Ace | Best |
- Quick Attack is the fast move of choice, and it pairs with Discharge or Aerial Ace
- Thunderbolt is sub-par by comparison
PvP Analysis
Thunder Shock + Discharge and Acrobatics |
Thunder Shock generates energy fast and benefits from STAB, though its damage output is still unremarkable. Quick Attack sports slightly better damage output but worse energy generation, and can't be Super Effective vs anything.
Discharge costs less energy than Thunderbolt which means it can be accessed sooner, though the latter threatens more damage if unshielded. Acrobatics provides Emolga with an incredibly potent nuke option and some STAB coverage. Aerial Ace is terrible.
Great League | |
Emolga shares identical typings with Zapdos, though Emolga's moveset is somewhat less efficient. Unimpressive bulk due to a moderately high ATK stat means this squirrel would appreciate shields to perform well, or at the very least match even shields against its opponent. While its Flying typing and access to Acrobatics are valuable against Grass Pokemon, it may not necessarily secure wins against Pokemon with counter coverage. Losing the 1-shield matchup against the common Azumarill is also disappointing. | |
Ultra League | |
Emolga has a max CP of 1847, which is insufficient for battles outside of Great League. | |
Master League | |
It's cruel to send a squirrel to fight dragons and dinosaurs more than ten times its size. |