Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Cloyster is a fairly common Pokemon that can provide solid Ice-type damage. However, it's badly outclassed in this capacity by the other big-name Ice Types. Although Cloyster has an outstanding defense stat, it's backed up by embarrassingly low HP, which makes Cloyster's bulk merely above average. It's not a complete pushover on defense due to its typing, which is difficult to counter outright.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Frost Breath + AvalancheBest
Ice Shard + AvalancheGreat
  • Frost Breath and Ice Shard perform similarly, but Frost Breath has some slight advantages.

  • Avalanche is a potent 2-bar charge move that outperforms Blizzard, Cloyster's next best charge move.

  • Hydro Pump, Razor Shell, and Liquidation, while being good moves with STAB, don't share the same typing as Cloyster's fast moves.

  • Aurora Beam and Icy Wind deal mediocre damage with long cooldown. There's no reason to use these moves.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Ice Shard + Liquidation or Razor ShellBest
  • Between Ice Shard and Frost Breath, Ice Shard does more damage on defense. 

  • Liquidation is the obvious superior charge move due to having 2 bars, STAB, and high power. 

  • Razor Shell has less power than Liquidation, but is harder to dodge.

  • Avalanche is okay, but sharing the same type as Cloyster's Fast Moves is a bit of a hinderance.

  • Hydro Pump is off-type with Cloyster's fast moves and hard to dodge, but Cloyster may not get it off.

  • Aurora Beam and Icy Wind are functional for having multiple bars, but aren't nearly as good as Avalanche.

  • Compared to Avalanche and Hydro Pump, Blizzard is worse on defense in nearly all respects.

PvP Analysis

Ice Shard + Icy Wind and Avalanche or LiquidationBest

Ice Shard is the preferred fast move due to its better energy gains, which is necessary to take advantage of Cloyster's strong charge moves. 

Icy Wind and Avalanche both cost the same 45 energy, which makes it easy to keep the opponent guessing. The former has poor damage output but Attack debuff utility, while the latter threatens much stronger damage. Liquidation offers coverage at a moderate cost. Hydro Pump is generally too expensive.

Great League2 / 5

Cloyster is a niche pick in the Great League. Its above average bulk and great attacks allow it to perform well in several neutral matchups and take down a number of large threats such as Altaria, but other Pokemon can perform the same function with more general utility

Ultra League3 / 5

Walrein and Lapras exist, and both of them largely outclass Cloyster due to their superior stats. Cloyster's one niche over them is Icy Wind, which somewhat allows it to mimic Dewgong's role in the Great League, but it lacks the bulk that makes Dewgong threatening over there. Still, Cloyster's bulk isn't terrible, and it can definitely get off multiple debuffs.

Master League0 / 5

While not as wide as before, Cloyster's niche still exists in the Master League despite its relatively low CP. It can still dismantle Dragonite and punch holes in Lugia, and on top of this it also threatens to KO other huge threats in the tier such as Groudon and Garchomp. However, Regice is generally a stronger pick for most of the same matchups that you'd use Cloyster for, unless you also have good use for a STAB Hydro Pump.

Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
6 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
20 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %