Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Buzzwole sports an interesting Bug/Fighting typing, but is unfortunately about as useful as Heracross due to its largely PvP-focused moveset. At least Heracross provides more utility with its Mega evolution. 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Counter + SuperpowerBest
  • Counter is one of the best Fast Moves in the game, and gets STAB. 
  • Poison Jab lacks STAB and synergy with Buzzwole's Charge Moves outside of Grass-types. 
  • Superpower pairs with Counter, but is a pretty poor move for PvE.
  • Lunge, Fell Stinger, and Power-Up Punch are meant for PvP. 

PvP Analysis

Counter or Poison Jab + Lunge and Superpower

Counter is generally preferred due to the more valuable coverage from Fighting-type attacks. Poison Jab has less valuable coverage and lacks STAB, but is still a decent alternative. 

Lunge is one of the most popular Charge Moves among Pokemon that can learn it due to its guaranteed debuff as well as respectable damage. Superpower is chosen for its strong damage for relatively low energy cost, however its self-debuff can be tedious to work with. Power-Up Punch and Fell Stinger are only good if Buzzwole can snowball, as they lack meaningful damage output early on, making them unappealing. 

Great League3.4 / 5

Buzzwole is somewhat of a limited cup specialist, owing to its powerful moveset and a stat product that's slightly higher than most Fighting types. In Open Great League, it struggles to compete with Medicham, Scrafty, and Toxicroak. They all have either superior stats, coverage, or defensive utility. Buzzwole excels in smashing targets that don't resist it due to the raw parameters of its attacks, but there are many opponents that do resist its entire moveset. It is also still rather fragile compared to many Great League staples.

Ultra League4 / 5

Every Pokemon gets tankier in the Ultra League, but Buzzwole appreciates it more because of Lunge. The increased bulk allows Buzzwole to stack the Attack debuff more consistently, enabling to dominate drawn-out matches. The absence of Medicham gives Buzzwole less Fighting-type competition to worry about, although the presence of Giratina does reel Buzzwole back a bit.

Master League3.5 / 5

Very few Fighting-type Pokemon have stats that can compare with Buzzwole. Its stat product towers over Conkeldurr and Machamp, is slightly higher than Galarian Zapdos and Kommo-O, and is only outmatched by Zamazenta. Buzzwole is a fairly bulky Counter user, tearing apart Steel- and Dark-type Pokemon with relative ease, and can even go toe to toe with Zacian in an extended battle! Not all is sunshine and rainbows for Buzzwole, however. It still struggles with its lack of coverage and it has to deal with an abundance of hard counters. Like with most Fighting-type Pokemon, fitting Buzzwole onto a team without stacking weaknesses can be challenging.

Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
20 KM
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
Male Ratio