
Terrakion Raid Guide

The best Counters to Terrakion
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Stamina: 15,000Attack: 260Defense: 192

CP Range

Level 20Level 25, Weather Boosted
2026 - 21132533 - 2641

Move Difficulty


Among the three Swords of Justice, Terrakion generally stands as the top. It's an offensive destroyer that puts in a lot of work. Picking it up is definitely a worthwhile option, so building a raid team for it is a very good idea.

Team Building Approach

  • Terrakion has a plethora of weaknesses in: Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, Grass, Psychic and Fairy.
    • Fighting has the monster that is Mega Lucario, but the other Fighting Types tend to fal behind a bit by comparison.
    • Steel also has Mega Lucario... despite the fact that it prefers Fighting Type moves. But beyond that, it also has some monstrous attackers that outright trash Terrakion
    • Psychic has a few powerhouse options that also resist Fighting Type moves.
    • Ground has a select few powerful options... that are named Groudon.
    • Water has a select few powerful options... that are named Kyogre.
    • Grass used to have Kartana as a superstar, but then Niantic nerfed it.
    • Fairy exists.

Best Raid Counters

Supreme Counters

Good Counters

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