
Team Rocket Leader: Cliff Guide

Strategies and counters for taking down Team Rocket Leader Cliff
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You worked hard for 6 Mysterious Components, and your reward is... Cubone. It's the least exciting encounter in this rotation meta wise, so know that your Rocket Radar might be spent better somewhere else.

Team Rocket Leader Cliff - "My strength comes from my loyalty to Team GO Rocket"

Pokemon Lineup

Catchable Pokemon

Team building recommendations

For the Team Leaders, it's important to work on strong team building a bit more, as they definitely pose more of a threat than most of the grunts. For this reason, we're going to look at our counters less on an individual basis and more based on their role within a team. This team structure isn't mandatory to win, but at least some degree of planning will help tremendously.


If the stars align, Kyogre with Waterfall paired with Surf/Origin Pulse* can almost solo Cliff. Surf is necessary to burn shields, while Origin Pulse* will deal a good chunk of neutral damage against anything that isn't taking super effective damage.

Second Slot

Gust and Oblivian Wing* will get rid of any fighting types with ease, but it has to look out for Tyranitar in Cliff's final slot.

Third Slot

Did someone mention Tyranitar? Double Kick and Sacred Sword* are here to deal with that problem. If you have a spare 100k stardust lying around, why not give it a second Charge Move with Rock Slide to cover for Crobat.

Good substitutes

If Kyogre is not your style, then Swampert will make for a fine replacement. Mud Shot paired with Hydro Cannon* will get rid of shields early on against Cubone and is a great bonus!

Fairies are a solid substitute for Yveltal, having great matchups against the many Fighting types that Cliff likes to use. Due note that they are Very allergic to Bullet Punches.

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