
PvE Analysis
Slowking is the epitome of swag. A posture that exudes confidence. A ruff that suggests status and esteem. An articulating gaze and confident grin. Complete with a crown to establish his dominion. Swag. Swag. Swoo. Swoo. Swag. Put this guy in a gym, only in the 6th slot, so he may preside over his kingdom. All he sees is his. All he touches is swag. Haters beware.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Confusion is generally superior to Water Gun; both are usable on offense but the former wields higher DPS and more meta relevance.
Surf* pairs well with Water Gun to make Slowking a Water attacker.
Scald is basically Surf, but worse.
Psychic is the preferred charge move, offering superior DPS, coverage, and STAB.
- Blizzard, Scald, and Fire Blast are inferior.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Confusion is distinctly superior to Water Gun due to the massive power difference.
Scald is a good 2 bar move that helps improve Slowking's coverage.
Surf is basically Scald, but worse.
Psychic provides high power and two bars, but leaves Slowking with a mono-type set which can easily be walled.
Blizzard provides good counter-coverage and power, but is one-bar.
Fire Blast is clearly inferior; its late dodge window makes it non viable, compounded by the fact that many Grass-type counters are also weak to Psychic.
PvP Analysis
Confusion and Water Gun sport identical energy generation, though the former offers higher damage output. The latter, however, is much snappier, allowing Slowking to be more flexible with its move timing.
Surf is Slowking's only cheap Charged Attack. Fire Blast is extremely expensive, but its coverage sets it apart from Slowbro. Psychic is a hard hitting STAB move that costs the second least amount of energy, but makes Slowking identical to Slowbro. Blizzard provides great counter coverage, but does not separate it from Slowbro, who gets Ice Beam.
Great League | 2 / 5 |
Despite its regal attire, Slowking unfortunately runs into a problem where it is TOO similar to Slowbro, sporting identical stats and just about the same attacks. Slowbro's access to Ice Beam gives it a reasonably accessible source of coverage, but Slowking's secondary Charged Attacks are too expensive for reliable use. It can find play in metagames where Slowbro is banned, or as a "second Slowbro" in an ABB style team. However, Slowking on its own is generally outclassed solely due to Slowbro's access to Ice Beam. With that said, Slowking isn't a bad Pokemon in a vacuum due to its relatively good bulk and consistent damage, though it suffers from numerous common weaknesses. | |
Ultra League | 0 / 5 |
See: Great League. Slowking's Ultra League issues are the exact same. | |
Master League | 0 / 5 |
Slowking too slow for Master League. Literally. |