Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Palosand has a legitimately great design that's appreciated by a fairly large portion of the Pokemon fanbase, but it's a Pokemon that didn't really benefit being translated from the main series. It's terribly mediocre stats hold it back despite at least having a good Ground Type moveset, but overall it's just not worth investing in.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Sand Attack + Scorching SandsBest
Astonish + Shadow BallGood
  • Sand Attack and Scorching Sands work together for maximum damage output for Palosand, and they're also very thematically relevant as a bonus!
  • Mud Shot is a bit weaker.
  • Astonish and Shadow Ball can work for Ghost damage, but Astonish is a poor move.
  • Sand Tomb and Earth Power are easy skips.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Astonish + Earth Power, Scorching Sands, or Shadow BallBest
  • Astonish is the Fast Move of choice, sporting substantially higher damage than Mud Shot or Sand Attack.
  • Earth Power and Scorching Sands are both great, and they synergize best with Astonish.
    • Earth Power has higher power, while Scorching Sands is harder to dodge.
  • Sand Tomb is substantially weaker than Earth Power, but it's also easier to evade.
  • Shadow Ball can work great due to Ghost's great neutral damage profile, but the fact that it's the same type as Palosand's best Fast Move means that it will tend to have a harder time dealing with a number of its counters.

PvP Analysis

Sand Attack or Mud Shot + Scorching Sands & Shadow Ball

Sand Attack and Mud Shot are the Fast Moves of choice here. Both are energy-generation focused, but Sand Attack provides more raw power while Mud Shot provides even more energy gains. Both entirely out-class Astonish.

Scorching Sands hits fairly hard post-STAB and has a chance to debuff the enemy's Attack, while Shadow Ball hits even harder and has outstanding neutral coverage.

Great League1 / 5
Palosand's stats are fairly well rounded, and don't exactly offer great bulk in the Great League. And while its typing is fun, it has a number of easily-exploited weaknesses and not much counter-coverage. On top of that, it's outclassed as both a Ghost Type and a Ground Type.
Ultra League0 / 5

While it can hit 2500 CP by getting close to Lv.50, it's probably not worth the investment.

Master League0 / 5

Palosand is a sand castle, and sadly it's every bit as easy as a sandcastle to knock flat in the Master League.

Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %