
Table of Contents

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research
Stage 1

Galarian Corsola
Stage 2

PvE Analysis
Cursola isn't a great Ghost Type. Its attack stat is pretty good, but it is cursed with a terrible moveset.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Best |
- Astonish and Night Shade is Cursola's only really worthwhile moveset on offense.
- Power Gem, Tackle, and Rock Blast all have no real use on Cursola
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Best |
- Astonish outpaces Tackles on Defense
- Rock Blast comes out frequently and has good coverage.
- Power Gem has decent power, but it has a long animation time and is easily dodgeable.
- Nightshade is an easy skip.
PvP Analysis
Astonish is a much, much better move than Tackle and also benefits from STAB.
Night Shade is Cursola's primary attack due to its moderately low cost and good DPE. Power Gem provides coverage against Pokemon that resist Ghost and has a decent DPE to boot. Rock Blast is Cursola's cheapest attack, but it has awful DPE; it remains a viable option as Cursola is a fragile Pokemon.
Great League | ||
If you are able to somehow get your hands on a Great League Cursola...don't bother with it. Unlike its pre-evolution, Galarian Corsola, Cursola's stat spread is highly Attack oriented, leaving it extremely glassy. Other Ghost-type Pokemon such as Sableye, Drifblim, and the aforementioned Galarian Corsola are simply much better options. | ||
Ultra League | ||
Cursola faces the same problems in the Ultra League as it does in the Great League: its frailty, and having severe competition with other Ghost-type Pokemon. While Sableye and Galarian Corsola are no longer viable in this league, Cursola still has to contend with other Ghost-type competitors such as Giratina, Drifblim, Golurk and Skeledirge. | ||
Master League | ||
A league where Cursola's Attack-weighted stat spread no longer holds it back should sound nice in theory, right? Well it still sucks, because it's now competing with Legendary Ghosts such as Giratina-O and Dawn Wings Necrozma. Even in Premier Cup, Gholdengo and Dragapult are much better Ghost-type choices than it due to their far higher stats. |
Flee Rate
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
Female Ratio
75 %
Male Ratio
25 %