
Alolan Marowak

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Alolan Marowak doesn't have any of the distinguishing features that it has in the main Pokemon games. No Thick Club, no Lightningrod. I guess it kind of got boned in that respect. Even Shadow Bone is less powerful than Shadow Ball in PvE. Poor stats doesn't help much either. 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

HexHex + Shadow BallShadow BallBest
Fire SpinFire Spin + Fire BlastFire BlastBest
  • Fire Spin performs the best, but only pairs with Fire Blast to fulfill a Fire-type role. 
  • Hex isn't far behind, and pairs with Alolan Marowak's stronger Ghost-type charge moves.
  • Rock Smash lacks STAB and isn't recommended. 
  • Shadow Ball is superior to Shadow Bone* on offense. 
  • Flame Wheel is a pretty poor move, despite benefiting from STAB. 
  • Bone Club has no use. 

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

  • Rock Smash is likely to perform the best on defense, being Super Effective vs Dark-type attackers.
  • Fire Spin sports higher base damage than Hex, though the latter generates energy faster. 
  • Bone Club doesn't threaten a lot of damage, but can be used frequently as a 3-bar move, and hurts Rock-type attackers.
  • Flame Wheel is the weakest among the available 2-bar moves, but is slightly harder to dodge. 
  • Shadow Ball is superior to Shadow Bone* in terms of damage, with very minor differences in damage windows. 

PvP Analysis

Fire Spin is generally Alolan Marowak's best option due to its overall above average parameters; it also grants Alolan Marowak a reliable source of Fire-type damage. Hex has higher energy gains, but suffers from having a MUCH lower damage output. Rock Smash is bad.

Bone Club costs the least amount of energy and provides coverage against certain Rock-, Electric-, and Poison-type Pokemon. Shadow Bone* is an excellent Ghost STAB move that dents anything that doesn't resist it; it also has a decent Defense debuff chance. Shadow Ball is a decent non-Elite alternative; it has greater DPE, but its higher cost makes it a less consistent option. Fire Blast can surprise unsuspecting Normal- and Dark-type Pokemon who otherwise can take Alolan Marowak's Charged Attacks with ease, but don't expect any kind of consistent performance due to its insane cost. Flame Wheel is horrendous.

Great League3 / 5

Alolan Marowak often teeters at the edge of Great League viability. It has good stats and very useful resistances (most notably to Fighting, Ice, and Fairy), but is often plagued by crippling weaknesses and generally lackluster moves. On September 2024, it received major buffs to Fire Spin and Bone Club, reinstating its place in the metagame, though it still competes with Skeledirge for a spot on a team.

Ultra League0 / 5

Please don't use Alolan Marowak in the Ultra League

Master League0 / 5

Stay away from the Master League with Alolan Marowak.

Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
6 %
Buddy Distance
Catch Rate
15 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %