Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Vileplume’s advantage lies in that it is among the most easily obtained Grass-type Pokemon. Once trainers start stocking up on Exeggutor, Sceptile, Venusaur, Victreebel, and Shiftry, Vileplume becomes yesterday’s news. It doesn’t look like much now, but it was the go-to Vaporeon slayer in the early days of Pokemon GO.

Speaking of the early days, back then it was also an okay defender, being the most easily obtained Vaporeon wall. These days you might want to use something else for defense. The meta just isn’t what it used to be. Ok, that’s enough GO analysis for grandpa.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Razor LeafRazor Leaf + Solar BeamSolar BeamBest
AcidAcid + Sludge BombSludge BombBest
  • Razor Leaf pairs well with Solar Beam to fulfill a Grass-type role. 

  • Solar Beam is superior to Petal Blizzard due to its massive base power.

  • Acid shares same typing with Sludge Bomb to let Vileplume function as a Poison-type. 
  • Moonblast has no place on an offensive Vileplume.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Razor LeafRazor Leaf + Sludge BombSludge BombBest
  • Razor Leaf is generally preferable for its high base damage.

  • Acid is inferior in damage output, but is less likely to be resisted by Dragon-types. 

  • Sludge Bomb performs best on defense thanks to its earlier damage window and being a 2-bar move.

  • Petal Blizzard is better than Solar Beam for defense due to an earlier damage window.

  • Moonblast can offer some coverage against Dragon-types, but is less likely to be used as a 1-bar move. 

PvP Analysis

Razor LeafRazor Leaf + Sludge BombSludge Bomb and MoonblastMoonblast

Razor Leaf is preferred for hits high STAB damage output at the cost of having the worst energy gains in PvP. Acid gets STAB and can be useful in some niche situations against Grass or Fairy-types, but has below average energy gains. 

Sludge Bomb is the primary and (most of the time) only charge move used by Vileplume due to its lesser energy cost compared to Vileplume's other charge moves. The very poor energy gains from Razor Leaf often risks Vileplume fainting before being able to utilize its more expensive charge moves. Moonblast is preferred for its coverage against common typings. 

Great League1 / 5

Vileplume is a good budget Pokemon in Great League PvP, but not really a great one. It has a typing combo that, while common, does allow it several advantages; in particular resisting some of the best moves in the game such as Counter, Power-Up Punch, and Hydro Cannon. Vileplume also has great coverage itself with Moonblast, allowing it to hit big-name Fighting, Dragon, and Dark types very hard.

However, Vileplume's typing is very frequently covered by the secondary moves of Pokemon that it would otherwise counter, with Ice in particular being a very common coverage type. It also doesn't have the best stat-spread for the Great League, leaving it a bit frail at or around the 1500 CP mark.

Overall, Vileplume is a great Pokemon to add to your Great League team early on as Oddish is fairly common in many biomes. On top of this, it shouldn't be too hard to find one close to the 1500 CP mark when evolved. However, as you begin building a stronger Great League team, Vileplume will become more of a niche pick than something to build your team around.

Ultra League1 / 5

In the Ultra League, many of the same points apply but to a much lesser degree. While Vileplume can exist in the Ultra League, it doesn't have much utility and is entirely eclipsed by Venusaur.

Master League0 / 5

Vileplume has no place in the Master League.

Purification Cost
3 Candy + 3,000 Stardust
Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
5 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
15 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %