Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Swanna debuts in Pokemon Go for the game's 4th anniversary, though it's not particularly useful for any aspect of the game. More stats and a better moveset are needed to be not completely outclassed by existing powerhouses. 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

  • Water Gun is the best fast move available, but Bubble Beam is a very poor charge move. 
  • Air Slash pairs well with Fly to fulfill a Flying-type role. 
  • Hurricane is behind the competition.
  • Ice Beam is underwhelming without STAB. 

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Air SlashAir Slash + (Any)Best
  • Air Slash performs better on defense due to its higher base power. 
  • Water Gun has the perk of not being resisted by Electric-type attackers, but its damage output is still pitiful. 
  • Hurricane has the earliest damage window, but may be difficult to access as a 1-bar move. 
  • Bubble Beam is the easiest to dodge, but can be spammed frequently as a 3-bar move. 
  • Ice Beam lies in the middle as a 2-bar move, though it lacks STAB. 
  • Fly is strong, but Shadow Swanna is unlikely to get to it before fainting.

PvP Analysis

Water GunWater Gun or Air SlashAir Slash + Bubble BeamBubble Beam and FlyFlyBest

Water Gun and Air Slash both have identical STAB damage output and energy generation, though Water Gun's faster duration makes it more responsive and is generally the preferred option . Pick whichever one you need the appropriate typing coverage for. 

Bubble Beam costs the least amount of energy, and can be used to primarily bait shields, as well as debuffing the opponent. Fly is the best secondary option, costing a moderate amount of energy but dealing a good amount of damage. Hurricane costs the most energy, but is also the most powerful charge move available, and hits hard with STAB. Ice Beam offers Ice-type coverage, costs less energy than Hurricane, but can be underwhelming without STAB. 

Great League2 / 5

Poor Swanna. Of the three Water/Flying type choices between itself, Pelipper, and Mantine (Gyarados doesn't count; its moveset is so different), Swanna can't really find a way to stand out. Mantine offers decent bulk, while Pelipper is spammy thanks to Wing Attack + Weather Ball. Swanna is fragile but lacks the good moves to make it shine, even with access to Fly. To add insult to injury, its pre evolution Ducklett is a top tier threat in some Little Cup formats, but Swanna can't ever hope to match its prowess in just about any format.

Ultra League0 / 5

With a max CP of 2361, Swanna performs poorly outside of Great League.

Master League0 / 5

Swanna has hopes and dreams to fly high and soar among its competition, just not in Master League. 

Flee Rate
10 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
40 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio