Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Though its lackluster ATK precludes it from any kind of attacking role, Hypno’s DEF, HP, and moveset are well tailored to the role of gym defender. Access to the optimal Confusion / Future Sight offer general STAB use, but its other charge moves provide great counter coverage, so Ghost or Dark-type counters may be taken by surprise.

Do note, Shadow Ball and Focus Blast have fairly late damage windows and thus are more exploitable. If you have spare Hypno lying around, feel free to throw one into a gym, but there are more efficient tanks to be investing Stardust in than this one.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

ConfusionConfusion + PsychicPsychicBest
  • Confusion is on par with Zen Headbutt; the former has slightly higher DPS, while the latter offers more maneuverability.

  • Psychic clearly outclasses Future Sight in every aspect.

  • Psyshock is generally inferior; its cooldown is too long for a 3 bar move.

  • Focus Blast and Shadow Ball are sub-optimal, as if Hypno is mediocre at best on-type, it's bad going off-type.

  • None of the elemental punches (Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch) are viable for Hypno on offense, except for gyms.  

  • Because Hypno needed more moves, Return can be obtained by purifying a Shadow Hypno, but this move has no real use.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

  • Confusion is superior to Zen Headbutt, dealing higher defensive DPS.

  • Psyshock is generally preferred for its 3 bar frequency.

  • Psychic is great as a non-legacy 2 bar move.

  • Future Sight is just inferior.

  • Shadow Ball offers wide neutral coverage, but has a relatively late damage window.

  • Focus Blast is nonviable due to its 1 bar nature and late damage window.

  • Any of the elemental punches (Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch) could be used due to their low energy cost as 3-bar moves.

  • Return comes out very fast and is insanely hard to dodge, but its power is very low.

PvP Analysis

Confusion is the superior fast move, and offers good damage output with STAB. Zen Headbutt is terrible for PvP. 

Shadow Ball offers mostly neutral coverage, and can retaliate against Hypno's weakness to Ghost-types. Despite its moderately high energy cost, Hypno's excellent bulk gives it the time it needs to generate that energy. Focus Blast provides wide coverage against common typings, including Hypno's weakness to Dark-types, and deals considerable damage if unshielded. Its very high energy cost is somewhat discouraging though.

Confusion + 2x (Fire, Ice, Thunder) Punch or Shadow Ball or Focus Blast

Hypno has very diverse options for coverage in its moveset, and any combination of these are viable depending on your team and any coverage needed. Fire Punch is useful for its coverage against popular Steel-types, in addition to Grass. Ice Punch hurts common Dragons, Grass, and Flying-types. Thunder Punch is valuable against ubiquitous Water-types and certain Flying-types. Electing for two elemental punches can be viable, or Shadow Ball or Focus Blast can be mixed in with one of the punches if coverage is needed. 

What about Psyshock* and Psychic?

Psyshock is a legacy move that costs less energy to use while dealing less damage, while Psychic is the opposite. The former is generally more preferable due to easier accessibility energy-wise, but the latter can also be viable. However Confusion in general provides a lot of Psychic-type damage with STAB as-is, therefore it's not usually recommended to choose these two charge moves unless absolutely necessary, due to the potential coverage sacrificed. 

Great League3 / 5

Hypno is a slow but very bulky Psychic-type. That's not necessarily a bad thing, because it can still do its job just fine, but it does take a while to get there. Access to very diverse charge move options gives it numerous coverage possibilities, and can leave opponents guessing. The trade-off for this surprise potential is the likelihood of tons of Charge TMs being used up to reroll for the ideal moveset. 

Ultra League1 / 5

Hypno has a maximum CP of 2090 which is insufficient for high performance in Ultra League. Competition from other Psychic types and a weakness to the Giratinas doesn't help it either. 

Master League0 / 5

Don't use Hypno in Master League. 

Purification Cost
3 Candy + 3,000 Stardust
Flee Rate
6 %
Buddy Distance
3 KM
Catch Rate
20 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %