
PvE Analysis
Lopunny is as cute as it is useless in Pokémon GO; its Attack stat is way too low, and its mediocre movepool and bulk don’t help either. Its Mega Evolution isn't terrible though, having a good Attack stat and STAB on its Fighting-type attacks.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Double Kick + Focus Blast | Best |
Double Kick pairs with Focus Blast to fulfill a Fighting-type role, though actual Fighting-type Pokemon are better. Consider Mega Evolving it.
Pound gets STAB but can't be Super Effective against anything.
Fire Punch allows some extra chip damage right before Lopunny faints.
- Despite STAB, Hyper Beam isn’t really useful on offense.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Double Kick + Triple Axel or Fire Punch | Best |
- Double Kick performs the best on defense with its higher base power, and has a chance to be Super Effective.
- Low Kick is a direct downgrade.
- Pound is neutral at best and resisted at worst.
- Fire Punch and Triple Axel are the only charged moves that Lopunny could be able to use before getting steamrolled.
- Focus Blast and Hyper Beam are way too slow for defense.
PvP Analysis
Double Kick + Triple Axel and Focus Blast or Fire Punch |
Double Kick offers high energy generation, allowing Lopunny to access its Charge Moves sooner. Pound and Low Kick are terrible.
Fire Punch offers more consistent damage with its moderately low energy cost, and helps to bait shields. Triple Axel has great coverage and a self-buffing effect for Attack, but its power is fairly low. Focus Blast hits hard and provides useful coverage, but its massive energy cost is very discouraging. Hyper Beam is an alternative that offers powerful neutral damage with STAB, if it doesn't go unshielded.
Great League | |
The only league where Lopunny could hope to make a splash is here, but in reality it's not much more effective than the move splash. While Lopunny has a decent stat-distribution that could, in theory, alow it to be effective in this league, a poor overall moveset really holds the Rabbit pokemon back and leaves it with virtually no use. Players who just happen to have a 1500CP Lopunny right as they start PVP might find use in Lopunny, but that's really it. | |
Ultra League | |
Lopunny has no use in the Ultra League | |
Master League | |
Lopunny has no use in the Master League |