
PvE Analysis
As a Pokemon with no STAB movesets and lackluster stats, there's nothing going for Exploud. It looks pretty cool, though.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Bite + Crunch | Best |
- Bite’s higher DPS is better than Astonish’s higher energy gain.
- Crunch shares type coverage with Bite and Astonish.
- While Fire Blast is poor on offense, Disarming Voice and Return* are plain awful.
- Boomburst has the highest neutral performance, but why would you use Exploud for neutral performance...?
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Astonish + Crunch or Disarming Voice | Best |
- Astonish beats Bite with higher power, energy gain, and better neutral coverage.
- Crunch has 3 bars and an early damage window, although it’s poor vs. Fighting.
- Disarming Voice has 3 bars and superior type coverage, but it’s easy to dodge.
- Return* is very hard to dodge, has 3 bars, and gets STAB, but its base power is extremely low.
- Fire Blast has no redeeming defensive qualities aside from hitting Steel Types for Super Effective damage.
- Boomburst has high neutral damage, but will probably never get a chance to launch.
PvP Analysis
Astonish + Crunch and Disarming Voice | Best |
Exploud is a Normal-type Pokemon and lacks STAB on any of its relevant moves. Astonish is the stand-out Fast Move option, as it sports solid damage and slightly above-average energy generation alongside good neutral coverage.
The insane energy cost of Fire Blast results in only two charge move options: Crunch and Disarming Voice, both of which have identical stats. The former is a Dark-type move that synergizes with Exploud's fast moves to counter Ghost and Psychic Pokemon, while the latter is a Fairy-type move which can be useful to cover Exploud's weakness to Fighting-type opponents.
Great League | 0 / 5 |
Exploud as a mono-Normal type Pokemon struggles significantly due to its very poor moveset. Slow energy generation and the lack of STAB on any of its movesets makes it very difficult to use, and to justify over numerous other Pokemon that are viable in this league. Due to its typing and moveset coverage, Exploud performs best as a hard counter to Ghost-type Pokemon, with certain victories over Psychic-types as well. However, this is its only niche, and it's probably better to pick other Pokemon until Exploud gets a moveset improvement. | |
Ultra League | 0 / 5 |
Exploud would appreciate more stats for Ultra League, as a max CP of 2347 doesn't actually reach the CP cap for this league. Regardless, its significant problems with its moveset and subsequently its long list of losses against meta Pokemon should deter most, if not all, players from spending the large amount of resources needed to max Exploud. | |
Master League | 0 / 5 |
Exploud is all bark and no bite. Ok, it technically can "Bite" but in this league it's more like a nibble. |