
PvE Analysis
Purugly doesn't care for attacking, or defending, or DPS, or TDO, or any of that nonsense. Why do people take this game so seriously? It's just a game after all, so just chill and take a cat nap. Or two.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Scratch or Shadow Claw + Play Rough | Best |
- Scratch gains STAB and is better against a neutral opponent, but can't be Super Effective against any Pokemon.
- Shadow Claw lacks STAB, but is stronger vs Ghost and Psychic Pokemon specifically.
- Play Rough is the best charge move in a neutral fight, but the others are more viable if they are Super Effective against the defender.
- Thunder should be chosen if the defender is weak to Electric-type attacks.
- Aerial Ace should be chosen if the defender is weak to Flying-type attacks.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Shadow Claw + Aerial Ace or Play Rough | Best |
- Shadow Claw lacks STAB, but is largely unresisted and deals neutral damage overall.
- Scratch gains STAB, but can't be Super Effective against any Pokemon, and is more likely to be resisted.
- Aerial Ace can be used frequently as a 3-bar move, and is useful against Fight-type attackers, but is somewhat easily dodged.
- Play Rough hits harder and is less frequently used as a 2-bar move, but is considerably harder to dodge.
- Thunder is quite poor for defense, and Purugly might faint before being able to use this move.
PvP Analysis
Shadow Claw + Aerial Ace and Play Rough or Thunder |
Shadow Claw may lack STAB, but still has average damage output that's largely resisted, and provides double the energy gains of Scratch. The latter deals high neutral damage with STAB, but can't be Super Effective against any Pokemon, and provides poor energy gains.
Aerial Ace is a poor move, but is recommended for its lesser energy cost, in addition to coverage against Purugly's weakness to Fighting-type Pokemon. Play Rough and Thunder both demand the same moderately high energy cost, so pick either for the coverage that's more preferable.
Great League | |
As a Normal-type, Purugly's niche largely revolves around its ability to defeat most Ghost-type Pokemon, thanks to its double resistance to Ghost-type attacks as well as access to Shadow Claw. While its bulk isn't terrible, Purugly's main drawback is due to its cumbersome charge moves, which are quite slow and costly to use. For its role, Pokemon like Lickitung generally have superior performances against the overall meta. | |
Ultra League | |
Purugly lacks stats for Ultra League; at level 50 its CP won't even reach the CP cap of this league. While it can still wall Ghost-types like Gengar, Drifblim, or even Giratina Origin Forme, the Altered Forme boasts too much bulk and moveset efficiency for this cat to handle. | |
Master League | |
Dragons and dinosaurs look very scary in this league. Better to take a cat nap instead. |