Oinkologne (Female)

PvE Analysis
Oinkologne is basically just a new Raticate; it's a dex-filler and nothing more.
Best PvE Offensive Moveset
Tackle + Trailblaze or Dig | Best |
- Tackle is objectively better than Take Down
- Trailblaze is Oinkologne's best Charged Move option.
- Dig is next if you want some Ground damage.
- Body Slam has no utility on offense.
Best PvE Defensive Moveset
Take Down + Dig or Trailblaze | Best |
- Take Down is superior to Tackle on defense
- Dig has high power and counter-coverage against Steel Types
- Trailblaze is an okay option
- Body Slam leaves Oinkologne a sitting duck.
PvP Analysis
Tackle + Body Slam and Dig |
Tackle isn't anything really worth writing home about, as it has a pretty standard stat-line that's boosted slightly by STAB, but it is Oinkologne's best Charged Move option. It combines with Body Slam for an easily spammable STAB move, and Dig for great coverage against Steel and Rock Types that would otherwise wall it out.
Great League | |
Oinkologne has pretty strong offensive performance thanks to its spammy STAB moveset and Ground coverage, making it a worthwhile consideration for some teams. However, it can be hard-walled by some threats such as Skarmory, so it's extremely important to build around its weaknesses so that it can excel. | |
Ultra League | |
Oinkologne can still operate here, but it is genuinely not an outstanding pick in most cases. | |
Master League | |
Do you smell bacon? I smell bacon. |