Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Lilligant's debut to Pokemon Go is a rather unimpressive one. With numerous superior Grass-types already in existence and available to many players, Lilligant's role in the meta is unfortunately allocated to being a dex entry at best. 

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

Magical Leaf + Solar BeamBest
  • Magical Leaf and Solar Beam makes for Lilligant's best offensive moveset.
  • Hidden Power, Charm, Hyper Beam, and Petal Blizzard all fall behind.

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

Charm + Hidden Power and Petal Blizzard, Solar Beam, or Hyper Beam
  • Charm is objectively great on defense, though the unpredictable nature of Hidden Power doesn't leave it off the table.
  • Magical Leaf is strong, but it has trouble working with Lilligant's Charged Moves.
  • All three of Lilligant's Charged Moves have merits, but none of them are great.
    • Petal Blizzard is the hardest move to dodge, but is also the weakest move option.
    • Hyper Beam sports off-typing with Magical Leaf in particular and has great neutral coverage, but it's very easy to dodge.
    • Solar Beam sports the highest neutral damage, but isn't particular hard to dodge.

PvP Analysis

Charm or Magical Leaf + Petal Blizzard and Hyper Beam

Charm doesn't get STAB, but still offers significant damage output at the cost of the worst energy generation in the game. Magical Leaf doesn't offer any meaningful coverage, but it's a legitimately good Fast Move with good average stats. Hidden Power is a below average move, but its unpredictable typing can catch opponents by surprise, and sports slightly better energy generation. 

None of Lilligant's charge moves are particularly good, and all cost significant amounts of energy which Lilligant struggles to keep up with. Petal Blizzard costs the least amount of energy, and benefits from STAB. Hyper Beam is listed here due to its neutral coverage, but 80 energy is extremely expensive. 

Great League1 / 5

As a mono-Grass type Pokemon, Lilligant has significant difficulties standing out among numerous other Grass-types in this league. Extremely poor energy generation, a very cumbersome moveset, and inadequate bulk all contribute to Lilligant's struggles to compete against the meta. 

Ultra League0 / 5

Ultra League generally doesn't favor Grass-types, and access to Charm isn't enough to justify Lilligant as an answer to Giratina over other options. 

Master League0 / 5

Lilligant has a max CP of 2550, which is inadequate for Master League. Its moveset problems don't make its situation any easier either. 

Second Charge Move Cost
10,000 Stardust + 25 Candy
Flee Rate
5 %
Buddy Distance
1 KM
Catch Rate
15 %
Female Ratio
Male Ratio