
Alolan Ninetales

Lvl 50Max CP
Lvl 40
Lvl 25Weather Boost
Lvl 20Raids/Eggs
Lvl 15Research

PvE Analysis

Alolan Ninetales's unique Ice / Fairy typing gives it the distinction of both doubly resisting Dragon and hitting many Dragon-types for double effective damage. However, its attack stat is far too low to be useful in raids, and its low bulk/laundry list of weaknesses make it basically unviable for defense.

Best PvE Offensive Moveset

CharmCharm + Dazzling GleamDazzling GleamBest
Powder SnowPowder Snow + Weather Ball IceWeather Ball IceBest
CharmCharm + Weather Ball IceWeather Ball IceSituational
  • Charm is the stronger fast move, and pairs with Dazzling Gleam to fulfill a Fairy-type role. 
  • Powder Snow isn't far behind, and enables Alolan Ninetales to fulfill an Ice-type role. 
  • Weather Ball Ice is the strongest and most consistent charge move available. 
  • Blizzard and Ice Beam are a step down, though they're serviceable if TMs are lacking. 
  • Feint Attack has no place on an offensive Alolan Ninetales. 
  • Psyshock also has no place on an offensive Alolan Ninetales. 

Best PvE Defensive Moveset

CharmCharm + Weather Ball IceWeather Ball IceBest
CharmCharm + Dazzling GleamDazzling GleamBest
CharmCharm + PsyshockPsyshockGreat
  • Charm has high power and good coverage, making it the ideal defensive move in general.
  • Feint Attack is preferred over Powder Snow, due to higher base power and slightly better coverage. It can also hit Steel Types, which obliterate Alolan Ninetales, harder.
  • Weather Ball Ice is the best charge move for defense, thanks to fast access as a 3-bar move. 
  • Dazzling Gleam edges out Ice Beam, with better coverage and base power, but a later damage window. 
  • Blizzard has too high of an energy cost for effective defense. 
  • Psyshock can be used more frequently, but doesn't have as much power. 

PvP Analysis

Charm takes advantage of STAB to deal massive damage while sacrificing energy generation. Powder Snow offers poor damage output despite STAB, but sports double the energy generation of Charm. 

Weather Ball (Ice) is recommended for its cheaper energy cost, in addition to its efficient Damage Per Energy (DPE) with STAB. Psyshock is preferred for its lesser energy cost, plus its coverage against the weakness to Poison-types and generally neutral coverage against many Pokemon. Ice Beam is a downgrade from Weather Ball. Dazzling Gleam costs too much energy to be recommended for general use. 

Great League4 / 5

Alolan Ninetales sports a unique Fairy/Ice typing, and features decent bulk plus an interesting moveset. Its typing alone gives it perks unlike most other Pokemon, and makes it especially effective against Dragon Pokemon. Access to both Charm and Powder Snow movesets gives A-Ninetales flexible options in its play style, with coverage against different Pokemon depending on what the player requires on their team. Weaknesses to Fire and Rock typings should be considered due to their frequency in the meta, while Poison and Steel-type attacks are less common. 

Ultra League 4/ 5

The level 50 update and addition of Weather Ball are significant improvements for Alolan Ninetales, with notable wins against a variety of Pokemon. Losses against Steel-types are to be expected, but Alolan Ninetales stands to challenge most of the meta in a big way. Unfortunately the large resource costs involving XL candy make it rather costly to power up. 

Master League0 / 5

Despite the obvious lack of stats needed for Master League, the unique Fairy/Ice typing and moveset is still quite effective against ubiquitous Dragon Pokemon in this league, and Charm in particular can still make quick work of Darkrai due to its fragility. Against most other meta picks however, Alolan Ninetales falls behind. 

Second Charge Move Cost
50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Flee Rate
6 %
Buddy Distance
Catch Rate
10 %
Female Ratio
50 %
Male Ratio
50 %