
The Bug Out even returns!

Sizzlipede sizzles its way into Pokemon GO!
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Sizzling its way into Go, Sizzlipede makes its debut in this years Bug Out event! Though in raids... Ugh why can't we have this thing in the wild? Anyways, there's a nice XP bonus along with a shiny boost for some select bugs. While it's not the most meta relevant event, there's a few bonuses you should definitely take advantage of.

Bug Out

Wednesday March 26, at 10:00 amSunday March 30, at 8:00 pm

Event Bonuses

  • 2× XP for successfully catching Pokémon with Nice Throws or better.
  • Increased Candy for Nice Throws or better.
  • Increased chance for Candy XL for Nice Throws or better for Trainers level 31 and up.
  • Lure Modules will attract Sizzlipede during the event.
  • Increased chance to encounter Shiny Wurmple and Shiny Venipede.
  • If enough Pokémon are caught with help from a single Lure Module, additional Pokémon will appear near the lured PokéStop.

Event Features

  • Pokestop Showcases.
  • Complete catch- and Evolution-focused Collection Challenges to receive Stardust, XP, and encounters with event-themed Pokémon.
  • Event-themed Field Research tasks will be available.

Wild Pokemon

Wurmple and Venipede receive a shiny boost during this event.


Yup, Sizzlipede is only available in raids...

Meta Relevance

Bug and Fire is an awesome type combination, and that's where it about ends for Centiskorch's praise. Fire is a very competitive type when it comes to raids, and Bug is only relevant when Hoopa comes around. This bug looks cool, but that's it. It's hard to recommend using raid passes on this thing, unless you want to complete your Pokedex.

One of the rare times a middle stage Pokemon is relevant in Go, but here we are. Charjabug with Volt Switch* is a surprisingly decent threat in the Great League.

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