Pokemon Day 2025 - Implications for Pokemon Go

Pokemon Day 2025 is here, and the the customary Pokemon Presents has already dropped. There was a fair bit in this presentation, but one main question was burning throughout it: what does this all mean for Pokemon Go? Well, let's take a look at what was announced, and what we may see in the future... assuming Niantic doesn't sell off their gaming division first.
Kubfu is Coming
Honestly, we didn't get a whole lot of information directly related to Pokemon Go. The majority of the presentation's Go related content focused pretty heavily on Go Tour: Unova and all that it entails. However, we did get one interesting bit of information: Kubfu and Urshifu are coming.

Urshifu's two formes with quite a bit of potential, but primarily if they get their Gigantamax formes. But here's the kicker; in the main series, players were initially only given access to a single Kubfu, and had to choose between evolving it into its Single Strike or Rapid Strike forme. And since Kubfu is the featured Pokemon of the upcoming season, it stands to reason that we may very well have a similar case in Pokemon Go, where we're given a single Kubfu and have to choose between its two formes. If this holds true, expect more coverage from us in the near future.
Mega Evolutions Abound
We all expected to see Mega Evolution return with Pokemon Legends: Z-A, and they definitely did... but that's not all. It seems that The Pokemon Company is finally going to start embracing what is generally considered to be the best regional gimmick ever added to Pokemon. Not only was it featured in the trailer for Z-A (with NO NEW MEGA EVOLUTIONS FEATURED, UNFORTUNATELY), it was also featured in the new Pokemon Champions game, where it's shown alongside Terastalization.
New Mega Evolutions would be outright amazing for Pokemon Go, especially in under-utilized types like Ice or Electric. And while we don't know what exactly to expect right now, it seems likely that Z-A will include new options. And speaking of Z-A....
Pokemon Legends: Z-A Starters
Our next starters are confirmed! Chikorita, Tepig, and Totodile are the getting their time in the spotlight!
While we can't really comment on exactly what this trio means for Pokemon Go due to the fact that we're likely on our way to some interesting alternate final evolutions, it's very much mentioning that Feraligatr is currently one of the most dominant Pokemon in both the Great and the Ultra League right now, so getting an alternate version of it could have some major meta implications if the dice rolls in its favor.
Eternal Flower Floette
Probably the single most forgotten Pokemon of all time, Eternal Flower Floette was featured in the trailer for Pokemon Legends Z-A.
Despite its status as a mid-evolution in most cases, Eternal Floette is a unique case that has its own stat-line and a powerful Fairy Type Signature Move. Are we getting it in the game or in Pokemon Go? Who knows? But it definitely exists, and so it's possible!